Northeast Tennessee

6 Pax none the richer, but were burdened

Northeast Tennessee Arrowhead (Indian Trail) Johnson City

6 pax stormed the gates of Arrowhead with coupons in hand…wait, scratch that. 3 pax were on time with coupons at the ready, 3 came in on two wheels and 1 had to borrow a coupon from YHC that he almost took home when we were done.

imperial walker (gotta make Jake happy or we’ll hear about it)

Abe vigoda


sticky butt kickers

life cycle arm circles

seal claps

You know it sure would be dandy if there was a standard format for completing a report of a workout.  Moreover, if only there were pax smart enough to have, perhaps, a central repository that one could look back on prior workouts to get ideas or even copy what others have done.  Oh well a pax can dream.  But i digress…

Pax picked up their coupons and moseyed to the playground and congregated at the corner closest to the school. It was at this point while YHC was detailing the activities to follow that a discussion broke out whether what we were about to embark upon was in the shape of a rhomboid or rectangle.  Either way it’s a square with long sides.

Pax carried their coupons to far corner across from pull-up area and completed 20 coupon squats. Head to the pull-up area and complete 10. Mosey with coupon to swings for 15 underdogs then continue with coupon to starting corner and complete 10 freaking 20’s.  Then pax is to run a coupon-less lap around the parking lot.  That is 1 round.  All pax completed the prescribed amount of 5 rounds.

Freddy mercurys


Inspiration for today workout: Matthew 11: 28-30

Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.
Murph at Arrowhead on Tuesday

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