Northeast Tennessee

Not not run group

Northeast Tennessee Arrowhead (Indian Trail) Johnson City

7 doods rolled up on a cool January morning and, simply by doing so, crisply stiff-armed aging and mediocrity. “Get that mess out of my house!” many undoubtedly uttered to themselves silently, yet in perfect unison. Such are things at Arrowhead in winter.


Insert information about the warmup.
I know if there’s one thing people love, it’s a good run. And I’m a lover, so I want to give love and love love in return.

Evolution 1: 4 sets of stop sign intervals:

Intervals to the stop sign and back. Run down at 50% effort, run back at 85%-90% effort. Leaders, take a 5th round and/or plank on the 6.

Evolution 2: 8 sets of light pole ladders

1 round of exercises, increasing reps at each light pole at 3, 6, 9, 12 – hand-release merkins. Then 1 round of descending reps with squat jumps – 12, 9, 6, 3. This is one set. We do 4 sets. Leaders, take a 5th round and/or plank on the 6.

Evolution 3 (if needed): Animal ladder

Bear crawl from pole 1 to pole 2. Crab walk from pole 2 to pole 3. Walking lunge from pole 3 to pole 4. Run back, R&R until time. WE DID NOT GET TO THIS. I’m glad we didn’t!

Just, no.
Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

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