Northeast Tennessee

PBS Birthday (Birfdae?) Q

Northeast Tennessee Arrowhead (Indian Trail) Johnson City

Like most birthday Qs for me, it was cold, dark, and I was heavily clothed and surrounded by middle-aged men.

Let’s get to it.

Did a little descending ladder (in terms of number of exercises, not reps!) from 42. Included the warmup for 903 total reps.

  1. 42 SSH
  2. 41 Little baby arm circles (10 IC +1)
  3. 40 LBAC reversed (10 IC)
  4. 39 Chinooks (10 IC -1)
  5. 38 Imperial walkers (19 IC)
  6. 37 Plank jacks
  7. 36 Octomerkins
  8. 35 Squats
  9. 34 Jump over coupon
  10. 33 Block curls
  11. 32 Shoulder taps (L+R =1)
  12. 31 LBCs
  13. 30 Bent over rows
  14. 29 Tuck jumps
  15. 28 Mountain climbers
  16. 27 Monkey humpers
  17. 26 Alphabet Crunches
  18. 25 Lateral lunges
  19. 24 Freak nasties (side plank hip dips)
  20. 23 Australian snow angels
  21. 22 Forward lunges
  22. 21 Backward lunges
  23. 20 Dancing bears
  24. 19 Supermans
  25. 18 Crunchy Frogs
  26. 17 Squat jumps
  27. 16 Hand release merkins
  28. 15 KBS
  29. 14 Overhead press
  30. 13 Dips
  31. 12 KBS
  32. 11 Mike Tysons
  33. 10 Block squats
  34. 9 KBS
  35. 8 Pull ups
  36. 7 Sumo squats with coupon
  37. 6 Blockees
  38. 5 Thrusters
  39. 4 WMDs (wide merkin, regular merkin, diamond merkin = 1)
  40. 3 Burpees
  41. 2 Burpees
  42. 1 lap around the school

No time for that, but we did finish.
42. I’m done reflecting for now. Time for action.
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