6 pax posted on a humid Saturday morning…and some of us arrived on time DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP SSH abe vigoda imperial walkers ttt lbac merkins sticky Butt kickers THE THANG Pax picked up their coupons and moseyed to the baseball field for a jobs inspired coupon heavy workout 1st base
Author: Jester
11 pax lifted and moved some things
On a humid and foggy morning 10 pleasant pax plus 1 grumpy one posted to put in some work. DISCLAIMER COP ssh, imperial walker, ttt, Abe vigoda, lbac, slow merkins, sticky butt kickers THE THANG Pax instructed to grab coupon and mosey to playground Rounds 1/3 and rounds 2/4
8 pax for laps and reps
7 studly pax plus one more showed up for YHC delayed q since I had to postpone from earlier in the week. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP SSH. Imperial walker. TTT, wmh, lbac, sticky butt kickers, slow merkins THE THANG Pax instructed to stay on the track laps 1 & 3 were
A deck of cards and 600% humidity
8 pax came to arrowhead under the weight of tropical humidity thanks to TS Elsa DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Dynamic warmup around the track ssh, TTT, imperial walkers, sticky butt kickers, Abe vigoda, lbac, slow merkins, slow squat THE THANG standard deck of cards workout aces were a lap and joker
7 for a grand AO tour
7 pax emerged from the fog this morning to do some stuff. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP SSH, Abe vigoda, imperial walkers, ttt, slow squat, merkins THE THANG YHC was inspired by the one and only Jobs for today’s iteration of the workout Pax mosey to the road on the side
4 pax on a double date
YHC welcomed three other pax on a perfect Saturday East Tennesse morning. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Motivator from 7 abe vigoda wmh (done the wrong way, sorry pbs, but you’re on a different continent, so…) ttt lbac slow merkin THE THANG Pax grab coupon and mosey to the middle of the
5 pax strung some pearls
5 pax arrived in the darkness on an unusually cool May morning despite the fact that YHC had the q. Some of us were just more on time than the rest. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP SSH, wmh, ttt, imperial walkers, Abe vigoda, lbac, merkins THE THANG Fairly standard string of pearls
3 pax completed 2 incomplete workouts
3 of the paxiest pax that ever posted arrived at arrowhead on a perfect crisp late spring Saturday. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Ssh abe vigoda ttt wmh (done incorrectly since PBS wasn’t there) imperial walker slow merkins THE THANG Pax mosey to playground YHC decided to channel is inner Allen
Rangers invade the tranquility of Arrowhead
YHC was humbled and completely blown away at the fact that several pax from The Range wanted to show me their support…or it was perhaps the initiative of posting at all AO’s in a 2wk span. I’m not quite sure… DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP All in cadence ssh wmh imperial walkers
Two of the manliest, and dare I say, studliest doods in realm of F3 NETN braved a cool mid 40°’s dry spring morning DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Ssh imperial walker TTT abe vigoda merkins THE THANG After much consternation over which would be the most perfect workout for whom ever showed