9 pax, for the most part, were on time for a q that began with some quick snow showers that may or may not have gotten the dander up of a certain native Floridian. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Inch worms, into etch a stretch imperial walkers hillbilly walkers mtn man poopers
Author: Jester
Episode 137: The Unburpee
Despite the fact YHC had the Q 11 dudes (including an OG stud making an appearance, no not Donatello) on a scorcher January morning of about 30°. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Motivator from 5 (this was a beautiful site and sound as all 11 (mostly, there was the one guy…he knows
A back focused backblast
Well, it was expected to be a blustery and heavy rain type of day. Thankfully it was only a bit of drizzle…which btw is Snoops favorite type of rain. So, without regard to personal dryness 10 of the finest dudes (including Bobber) in NETN were able to come on out
this is the best title I’ve got right now
7 pax showed up despite them knowing I had the Q. Nevertheless, they were there on a typical January morning. However they are not typical. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Ssh abe vigoda ttt sticky butt kickers mtn man poopers imperial walkers hillbilly walkers seal claps THE THANG YHC had a simple
Q #134
8 Pax joined each other at the now extra safe AO of Arrowhead (someone fixed the 3rd light) on a blistering 268.706 Kelvin morning. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Ssh ttt imperial walkers ⛰️👨🦰💩 sticky 🍑🦵 Life cycle arm circles seal claps THE THANG YHC promised the PAX that they wouldn’t get
Who says Jester doesn’t do run Q’s
8 pax quickly discovered that putting ones back to the wind during the warmup was beneficial. 1 discovered that wearing a hat would have been beneficial. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Ssh 🏔️👨🦰💩er hillbilly walker sticky 🍑 🦵er abe vigoda lbac 🦭👏 THE THANG Today’s thang consisted of three parts: 1: mosey
“I think my legs feel thicker”
14 doods showed up for Round 2 of my Bday Q. Some knew it would be nothing but legs, some didn’t. Nevertheless, YHC was grateful and humbled they were there. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Imperial walkers hillbilly walkers ttt ⛰️👨🦰💩’ers sticky 🍑🦵er’s inch worm etch a stretch THE THANG Round 2
A top down negative approach
I dare you to find 12 better…ok 1 or 2 may be questionable; but for the benefit of the doubt we’ll include him…dudes in all of NETN than what showed up for part 1 of my bday q week. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Ssh abe vigoda imperial walkers hillbilly walkers mtn
Smile for me Daddy
7 of the finest du…ok probably there was really only 6 of the finest; but seven were present to tackle the next challenge 🙄 this week of merkin mania. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Ssh abe vigoda Willy mays hays mtn man pooper imperial walker (imperial walker) lbac seal claps merkins THE
This was dumb but Zima liked it
Eighty percent of the 10 pax arrived on time, which mean early, so we began precisely at 0530 while the tardy 20% were parking DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Imperial wakers hillbilly walkers ssh abe vigoda ttt sticky butt kickers mtn man poopers lbac seal claps merkins THE THANG After Qing approximately