14 doods showed up for some gorgeous weather. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Insert information about the warmup. THE THANG Partner up and select your coupon. Partner 1: Repeat until relieved 15 Merkins 15 Weighted Squats 15 Overhead Presses 15 Rows Partner 2: Relief route Bear crawl between the lighted cones 20
Author: PBS
2.0 x 400
6 months is long enough to recycle a Q, right? I like this one and it works for me with little prep for when life throws the hot garbage at me that it has this week. 8 doods showed up to get a little better. DISCLAIMER COP Inchworms, LBACs, TTT
Saturday Sandbagagazna
Four showed up and it was freaking cold. But clear. DISCLAIMER COP No idea. THE THANG 4 stations, 4 ladders to 1 to 11 (Elevenzies!) Walk between stations. Bleachers Diamond Merkins Weighted Backsquats Bottom of the Hill Power Clean and Press (bottom of hill) V-ups (top of hill) Swings Weighted
PBS 3 Year AnniQ
9 doods showed up. Thankful for each one and for those with us in spirit. DISCLAIMER COP Insert information about the warmup. THE THANG With the amount I currently travel, the only way I can stay fit is to workout on the road. A Tabata workout has become my best
The lazy 4k (laziness optional)
6 doods made it out for a recovery workout on a balmy 50 degree morning. I wanted to offer some options for the Pax that hurt themselves this week to still get out and enjoy the glorious gloom. Baby was tricked by Mother Nature into joining us because the rain
Happy Birthday, PBS
11 doods joined me for 58 degrees and some hydrologically generous conditions. DISCLAIMER COP Slaughter Starter – 10 Yurpees OYO Merkins X10 IC Squats X10 IC TTT x 10 IC Mosey to the playground THE THANG All light posts have a 5 pullup buy in and 5 Yurpee cash out.
Sandbag hell
4 doods worked out. DISCLAIMER COP We warmed up. Did some stuff THE THANG Upcycled from September 2018, another partner workout greeted the pax. Here’s what went down: SET 1 15 Running burpees OYO. Then, Partner A does 4 suicide sprints between the 4 light poles. Partner B does AMRAP
The Making of Men
5 doods showed up to put in the work and get made into men. DISCLAIMER COP Mosey to the playround, with some LBAC, 20 merkins, 20 SSH IC, 10 TTT, and some other stuff thrown in. THE THANG Knowing that manmakers are both tedious and horrible, I set out to
The Cooper test, and then some more stuff.
DISCLAIMER Some doods got together and worked out. 8 doods, to be exact. Beautiful early fall morning at about 60 degrees. COP 5 x Inchworms SSH IC x 50 TTT IC x 10 Windmill IC x 10 Merkins IC x 10 Regular mosey around the track Willy Mays Hays THE
The 700 Club
Two came out to put in the work. They found no mercy on the football field. DISCLAIMER COP Some stuff for a few minutes. THE THANG Dusting off an old fan favorite from Glory, the man who invited me to F3 back in 2017. The 700 club is Glory’s creation.