It was humid and threatening a thunderstorm but, 6 PAX rose above the desire to stay warm and snuggly in their beds. DISCLAIMERPRAYER – that we don’t get hit with lightening.COPMotivator from 5 and then off to a covered shelter.THE THANGQ decided that putting half of the group in a stress pose
Category: Iron Horse (Founders Park)
Can recycled Q still be called Impromptu?
9 PAX showed up. Applebutter was QIC, but MIA. YHC decided to recycle an impromptu Q from last month. The question of the day: is a recycled impromptu Q still considered impromptu? DISCLAIMER PRAYER – Sugar Warm Up SSH 20 IC TTT 10 IC Merkins 10 IC LBAC forward 10
3 Corners 3 Things
7 PAX turned out on a humid July morning to go round and round. Good work, men! DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Motivators from 7 Slow squat x 10 WMH to the L/R TTT x 10 Mosey to Tombstone Hill THE THANG 5 Burpees… mosey up and over the hill to the
2 PAX and Lots of Arm Stuff
2 Pax showed up (YHC was 1 minute tardy to find Candyland engaged in some SSHs) on a warm Saturday morning and focused on arms and shoulders while enjoying an epic sunrise. While it was just the 2 of us, we encouraged one another and put in more work than
100 – The Hard Way
6 greeted the day and a typical summer morning. Only 5 are tagged, we need to get @Gibbs in the system. Two lone wolves joined us for a time. They did not stick around for a naming, the EH continues. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Side straddle hop, ‘Merkins, and a little
Block Party Near the Pavilion
2 Pax, 1 block, 1 sandbag, and a balmy July 5th morning. Crampon and I got to catch up while putting in some reps mixed in with a little running… Good work, bro! DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Supermans OYO SSH X 30 TTT X 10 WMH LBACs 10 front and back
Double Audible Impromtu Q
3 PAX showed up. Applebutter was on the calendar, but decided to post at Arrowhead and 3 Mile picked up the Q. However, he smartsacked this morning, thus a double audible was made. YHC came up with an impromptu Q with some help from Cold Call and Quicken. DISCLAIMER PRAYER
Round and Round After Epic Burpee Train
3 PAX showed up and showed out on a balmy June morning to put in some reps and encourage me to do much more than I would have on my own . We even had a Twilight sighting at dawn. Great work men!DISCLAIMERPRAYERCOPSSH x 25 TTT x 10 WMH Superman
AA Battery
6 PAX gathered at the amphitheater on pleasant 57 degree morning. With coupons in hand, they were ready to be powered by the AA Battery. Lots of mumblechatter ensued… DISCLAIMER PRAYER – Sugar Warm Up Hillbilly Walkers 10 IC TTT 10 IC LBAC forward 10 IC LBAC reverse 10 IC
Salute that flag
8 appeared out of the gloom. All lost some weight due to sweat. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Motivator, ‘Merkins, squats, TTT Wall sits. THE THANG Q wanted to celebrate Flag day. The plan involved several facts about the US flag. There have been 6 US flags on the moon, 3 are