23 PAX rolled into Iron Horse anticipating a smoker recycled Rite Aid Q. A humid 64 degree morning was optimal conditions for some cardio on Tombstone. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Slaughter Starter HR Merkin – 5 OYO Imperial Walker – 15 IC HR Merkin – 5 OYO Hillbilly Walker – 15
Category: Iron Horse (Founders Park)
Chunk = 37
Beautiful morning… 24pax joined the Bday celebration DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP SSH in cadence to 21… Silent to 37. Some PAX lost count so we did 10 burpees. LBAC 4x4x4 THE THANG Diego (half Pax did this with a partner and half the pax ran a lap and completed various
I’m Your Huckleberry VQ
21 PAX. 64 degrees. A Tombstone Themed Poker Hand Beat Down. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP TTT | 10 IC Bat Wings | 10 each IC (LBAC Forward, LBAC Back, Seal Claps, Overhead Claps) WMH | 10 Count each side THE THANG Morgan’s Hand | Flush (CORE) Flutter Kicks (LR=1) | 100
Penn’s Birthday Buddies!
19 PAX. 1 FNG. 62 degrees. DISCLAIMER PRAYER WARMUP Through The Tunnel 10 IC THE THANG Inspired by Jack Webb, I just made up combinations of things and named them after famous people who share my birthday. Jack Webbs (merkins + air presses) 1:4 ratio to 10/40 Penn-Seagals (squats +
9/11 Remembrance Q
We had 21 PAX on a beautiful, yet wet Tuesday gloom (the sprinklers add an additional element to the workouts). DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP TTT – 11 IC WMH – Left and Right to a count of 10 LBAC – 17 IC (Forward and Reverse) Merkins – 11 IC THE THANG
Tour de’ un temps humide et chaud
As opposed to our normal 75 degrees this morning was relatively cool….except for the 98% humidity. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP LBAC 20 each direction IC TTT 10 IC . THE THANG Station 1: 40 LBC’s 30 Flutter Kicks 20 Merkins 25 Squats w/Bag Station 2: 25 Power
Burpees and Lunges…and…Burpees…and Lunges…and…
20 PAX from Iron Horse, The Range, & Arrowhead converged upon the Iron Horse AO on a muggy morning, not knowing what birthday bludgeoning was coming from Jobs, along with another flavor of pain from YHC. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Jobs kicked off with a birthday ritual massacre of a Slaughter
Dora Shuffle
The beautiful morning was greeted by 16 Pax ready to put in some work. (14 Iron Horse, 2 Visitors from Spartanburg) DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP TTT x 10 (IC) LBAC x 10 (fwd IC); x 9 (rev IC) ??♂️ Merkins x 10 (IC) Water Break (Yee-Haw Lap) THE THANG Mosey to the
Merkin-Flavored Crazy 8 Romp
15 PAX gathered at the IH amphitheater on a pleasant 67 degree weather morning to enjoy merkin-flavored crazy 8 romp around the field. YHC was pleased after months of EHing his 2.0 [Antman] to get him out of bed for a F3 beatdown for the first time in many months.
More Cones Vol 2
12 PAX arrived at Iron Horse on an absolutely perfect 58 degree morning. QIC felt a recycle of last week’s Arrowhead Q was perfect for Tombstone Hill. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP TTT – 10 IC WMH – 10 IC Slow Squat – 10 IC LBAC – 10 IC LBAC Rev –