32 PAX showed up in the gloom in balmy 37 temps for YHC’s final Q DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP We started with an Army Crawl. This is only because Kardashian requested it. We made it a short one. FCs x 100 IC, TTT x 10 IC, Shoulder Pretzels x 25 IC
Category: Iron Horse (Founders Park)
The Dad Life
28 Pax came out in the chilly 29 degree morning to help celebrate one of our own plunging into the world of velcro shoes, James Taylor concerts and minivans…. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Warm up SSH x25 IC Willie Mays Hayes x10 IC (slow) Thru the Tunnel x10 IC THE THANG
Monkeyhumpin on Main Street
Last week was shorts weather, this week we are back to semi frigid temps. Twas a warm 30 deg this am. DISCLAIMERnumber of pax, etc. PRAYER COP Insert information about the warmup. THE THANG SSH 25 IC TTT 10 IC LBAC 20 each dir MARY YHC has had this
Saturday Morning Fun
The morning was a crisp 34 degrees and 17 pax decided to the Daily Red Pill. This QIC started to take charge for 45 minutes, but was quickly corrected that it’s an hour Q. Even better! DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP The Motivator from 7 IC TTT x10 IC Willie Mays Hayes
Running is in the Kards.
21 Pax showed up to get better in the not-really-that-gloomy slightly breezy mid 50s. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Slaughter Starter – 17 burpees OYO TTT X17 IC DQ X17 IC IW X17 IC Mosey to Kings Commons Burpees X17 THE THANG Mosey to Girls Inc. Hill. Partner Up Partner 1 run
WEATHER – Cool but comfortable 37 degrees which started to feel warm around the end of the burpee train DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Motivators – from 6 WMH – IC – 10 HillyBilly Walkers – IC – 10 Burpevator – from 5 – Introduced by Grillz at Ironvalley (a deconstructed Burpee
If I put my name on the calendar, I didn’t steal it; or Burpee Bookends
The rain stopped in time for 19 pax (a few were – are?- rucking) to put in work in the 45 degree gloom. FYI, just because you say you’re taking the Q doesn’t mean it’s yours. As I’m learning, I can connect EVERYTHING to Seinfeld: DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP We had
FNG Reporting for Duty…
The weather decided to be gracious to the PAX. When YHC checked the forecast the night before the temp was supposed to be 19. Twas a heatwave of 28. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP SSH 20 IC LBAC 20 IC TTT 15 IC THE THANG YHC was welcomed this morning to jabs
Around the Horn
On a cold, blustery, gloomy morning, YHC promised the PAX they’d feel balmy by 0535. YHC believes he delivered on that promise. No mumblechatter about the cold was mentioned by the 19 PAX. Weather – 21 degrees, dry DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP SSH x 25 IC Jack Webbs 1:4 to 10:40
A Little MOUNTAIN can DO
TIME: 0600 TEMP: 45F DISCLAIMER BURPEE TRAIN!!! PRAYER COP SSHx45IC Liked doing SSH on a giant wet sponge. SQUATSx20IC (3 count hold) LUNGE JUMPS x20 (single count) oyo CALF RAISES x20IC MERKINS x10IC MOUNTAIN CLIMBERS x20IC tore up the ground. Moved to side walk for remainder of warm up CAROLINA