9 pax put in work in the perfect 42 degree 0515 gloom at The Range this morning. YHC’s goal was 2 miles of run/mosey amidst the fun stuff. That’s what happened. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP SSH x 20IC HWs x 20IC IWs x 20IC Mountain Climbers x 20IC Plank Jacks x
Category: Johnson City
And 1
Dandy, dry morning for 10 pax to log some miles on the track. Work was done. Somewhere between 4-5.75 miles logged. DISCLAIMER COP Ponzi lap (Ponzi never showed) Dynamic stretching from goal line High knees to 20 and back Butt kickers to 20 and back Karaoke to 40 and back
4 corners revisited
Rainy, Lightening, Under shelter at Farmers’ Market. 12 Pax stayed for a modified 4 corners. 1 Pax Rucked (Twilight) DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP SSH – 19 IC (YHC miss counted) Batwing – 10 IC (LBAC forward, reverse, front clap, overhead clap) Hand Release Prisoner Cell Merkin Burpee – 3 OYO Yurpee
Plan B
4 PAX came out in a cold, snow covered and icy arrowhead for a good workout. YHC decided to abort original Q for safety reasons and rolled to plan b. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP motivator from 10 – because Jobs wanted 10 WMH 10 count to each side little baby arm
Bear Crawls and Simple Dora
8 PAX gathered at the new 5:15 a.m. time at the Range with 32 degree temps and perfect conditions. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Motivators from 7 WMH 10 count each side THE THANG Pax moseyed to the bottom of the steep hill leading to the bullpen behind the old gym. A
2.0 x 400
6 months is long enough to recycle a Q, right? I like this one and it works for me with little prep for when life throws the hot garbage at me that it has this week. 8 doods showed up to get a little better. DISCLAIMER COP Inchworms, LBACs, TTT
Burpee PT Test….yup
A cold, blustery winter morning at 30° makes for a perfect environment to do something stupid. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP SSH x 40 IC LBACs x 20 IC (Forwards & Backwards) Frankensteins x 15 IC Willie Mays Hayes 10 secs, L & R Seal Claps x 20 IC Merkins x 10
40 Practices
11 Pax showed up on a balmy Ash Wednesday for the first Range Q at 5:15 instead of the old 5:30 start time. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP WarmUp 40 SSH (20 IC) 39 Imperial Walkers (19 IC + 1) 38 LBA Circles (19 IC F & B) 37 Slow Squat (18
Maybe No Running
At 44 degrees and no rain, 12 Pax join YHC in a meandering, make it up on the spot Q. There were also three ruckers wandering around getting some miles. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP The Motivator from 7 Imperial Walkers 15 IC Mericans 10 IC Slow Squats 10 IC LBAC 20
Running Down a Dream
It was a soggy dreary 38 degree February morning. 8 PAX showed up for Honeysuckle’s Q even though they would have rather still been in bed dreaming. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP We stretched before we ran. THE THANG We ran…. to Balk’s Hill, 5 trips up EMOM style. then we circled