Was a pleasant 46 deg this a.m. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Warm up, we don’t need no stinking warms ups….. THE THANG Not quite sure why YHC had a Nacho Libre themed Q, but what do chubby guys do best? Run and eat. Well one of those is true. For this
Category: Johnson City
Be Courageous And Let Your Heart Be Strong
32 PAX showed up in the gloom in balmy 37 temps for YHC’s final Q DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP We started with an Army Crawl. This is only because Kardashian requested it. We made it a short one. FCs x 100 IC, TTT x 10 IC, Shoulder Pretzels x 25 IC
The Dad Life
28 Pax came out in the chilly 29 degree morning to help celebrate one of our own plunging into the world of velcro shoes, James Taylor concerts and minivans…. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Warm up SSH x25 IC Willie Mays Hayes x10 IC (slow) Thru the Tunnel x10 IC THE THANG
Rinse and Repeat
13 Men gathered in the out-of-doors to get their work on. Many were motivated solely by the hope of seeing my face this morning. Sadly, the overcast skies and 40 degree weather kept it close to pitch black at ye olde Arrowhead AO. DISCLAIMER COP Inchworm X5 OYO TTT x
Monkeyhumpin on Main Street
Last week was shorts weather, this week we are back to semi frigid temps. Twas a warm 30 deg this am. DISCLAIMERnumber of pax, etc. PRAYER COP Insert information about the warmup. THE THANG SSH 25 IC TTT 10 IC LBAC 20 each dir MARY YHC has had this
Who is Launch Pad?
12 PAX braved the 27 degree temps to see who this Launch Pad character was. After several months of no Q’s, YHC felt like an FNG. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Motivator from 10 because what more do you need to warm up? Willie Mays Hays – 10 count each side THE
Impromptu Q
Cool March morning, low 30’s DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP We stretched and completed some dynamic warm-ups. We ran a Ponzi lap but he never showed. THE THANG We ran. We ran a suicide including some Bernies. We ran some laps with intervals. We finished up with the snake and a 100-yard
Saturday Double Down Blues
Glorious spring morning with crisp 30’s and a clear sky. QIC – Honeysuckle T-claps – Jobs, Ponzi, Honeysuckle for the double down DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Motivator from 9 WMH (10 count each side) LBACs (IC) X 10, reverse (IC) X 10 Chinook Squats (IC) X 10 Merkin (IC) X 10
Saturday Morning Fun
The morning was a crisp 34 degrees and 17 pax decided to the Daily Red Pill. This QIC started to take charge for 45 minutes, but was quickly corrected that it’s an hour Q. Even better! DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP The Motivator from 7 IC TTT x10 IC Willie Mays Hayes
Running is in the Kards.
21 Pax showed up to get better in the not-really-that-gloomy slightly breezy mid 50s. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Slaughter Starter – 17 burpees OYO TTT X17 IC DQ X17 IC IW X17 IC Mosey to Kings Commons Burpees X17 THE THANG Mosey to Girls Inc. Hill. Partner Up Partner 1 run