26 pax got together on a clear but humid east tennessee morning for some work at the horse. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP SSH’s IC to 20 Through-the-tunnel IC to 20 LBAC forward IC to 15 LBAC reverse IC to 15 one expeditious stair lap slow squats IC to 15 Decline Merkins
Category: Johnson City
Rainy day burpee beat down
13 men rolled up to get swoled up in dat gloom. It rained enough to soak everyone to the bone, and then a little more to ensure that Donatello was obliged to complain about it. We ended up making it all the way to set 5 (modified a little) which
4.38 and some stairs
10 runners and 4 ruckers rolled into The Hill to kick Monday in the teeth on a drizzly, humid 60 degree morning. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP WMH – 10 each leg TTT – 10 IC Dynamic warm-up Warm-up lap (Ponzi had arrived so we weren’t sure what to call the lap??)
All Fun & Games
20 of the Johnson City faithful gathered at Arrowhead for a 0600 game of cards on Saturday the 15th of September. Ironhorse was closed for the day due to the TriCities 1st Annual TriPride parade using Founders Park for the event. So, Arrowhead served as a fine, dark location to
A Block Mile Tour of the AO (9/11 workout)
12 PAX un-assed the sack for a 1-mile block tour of the AO. A good time was had by all! DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Slaughter starter (20 burpees) TTT IC X10 LBAC – forward X10 IC, backwards X10 IC, Chinooks (for Honeysuckle) X10 IC Merkins IC X10 Imperial Walkers IC X10
Zig-Zagging Across a Soggy Field
It was a mild day, a bit of fog, but otherwise clear skies. 12 PAX showed up even with the hinting of tire flipping the night before. There was dew on the grass – lots of it. But at least it was cut, so we had that going for us.
Two years and counting…
Beautiful morning for 20 PAX to come out and help me celebrate my two year anniversary with F3. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Warm-up The motivator from 8, with horrendous counting by your humble Q master Through the Tunnel X 10 IC The Merkin X 10 IC Abe Vigoda X 10 IC
Hey, Hey BOMBS Away!
On a 69 degree, gloomy morning 30 PAX including 2 FNG from Iron Horse joined together to kick the enemy in the teeth by bombing it away. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP The Warmup The Motivator from 7 TTT x 10 Merican x 10 Willie Mays Hayes x 10 Imperial Walkers x
Getting back in the groove….. Part deux
Was only 74 degrees, but it was 90% humidity. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP SSH 20 IC TTT 10 IC LBAC 10 IC both directions. THE THANG Mosey to the base of the hill for a little Tabata Tabata Circuit Routine. Most exercises had a duration of 45 seconds with a 15
Getting back in the groove……
Was a brisk 67 degrees this morning. Where 27 men chose to put feet to earth and get better DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP – SSH 20 IC TTT 10 IC We were slightly interrupted by an exorbitantly long Burpee train to help, in case we were not warm. THE THANG Tabata