19 Pax’s Came out to embrace a beautiful gloom morning. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Warm Up 20x Side Straddle Hops 10x Little Baby Arm Circles (Forward and Reverse) 15x Imperial Walkers RUN Trail THE THANG (4 Rounds) 20 Dips 5 Pull Ups 10 Derkins 5 Pull Ups 10 Merkins 5 Pull
Category: Northeast Tennessee
A 71 degree overcast humid gloomy Thursday morning saw 13 PAX came out to enjoy some cute DORA BOMBS… DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Slaughter Starter (20 Burpees OYO) / Bat Wings (IC) – 10 (LBAC Forward, LBAC Reverse, Forward Claps, Overhead Claps) / Hill Billy Walkers (IC) – 10 / Imperial
Triple Ds and Dark Webbs
9 Pax made the hard decision and rolled into the room temperature and 90% humidity gloom. A few more Pax were expected but were not present. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP LBAC Palms up – IC x 10 LBAC Palms down – IC x 10 Seal Jacks – IC x 10 SSH
An F3 principles primer
10 doods showed up to cash in on the promise that PBS gon’ give it to them. I believe that most of them were satisfied. DISCLAIMER COP SSH, Inchworms, TTT, the usge. THE THANG Given our AO’s abysmal performance in front of our new Nantan last week in regards to
Lite Brite Deck of Cards w/ Jokers
4 Range Regulars and one pax new to Iron Horse along with Sugar filled out the Pax this morning. We were welcomed by 70 degrees and 96% humidity. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP SSH – IC x 20 Burpee Train made an appearance TTT – IC x 10 WMH – 10 count
Bear Crawls, Lt. Dans, and a Dora
14 PAX endured an hour of pain on a Saturday. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Motivator from 8 Through the Tunnel IC x10 LBAC IC X20 RLBAC IC X20 THE THANG Mosey from the AO down pain street to The Liar (the hill across from the courthouse near the storytelling center). Lt.
Another Scary Q
Saturday July 18th The weather was perfect for work, a little warm, the number of pax was 5 DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP 10 Burpees OYO. Mosey to King Commons. Xzibit’s 11’s at King Commons. Box Jumps and Decline Merkins. Mosey to Girls Inc. hill. THE THANG Teams of 2, 1 ran
Sprinting and FLORA
8 pax, some on time, others not so much, arrived at arrowhead for what turned out to be an unofficial 2.0 day with 38% of those in attendance being young’uns. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Ssh x20 ic wmh 10 count mosey to turn 1 Abe Vigoda x10 ic, imperial walker x10
Xzibit Inspired Ladder – Lite Brite’s VQ
12 Pax made the hard decision to put the feet on the floor and head out into the gloom. The decision was so hard that Lite Brite almost didn’t make his own VQ. The rain held off with minimal lightning in the area. Guest appearances by Wapner from Indiana and
12 by 2 and 2 x 12
Date: 7/14/2020 6 PAX – Osmosis, Trolley, Hot Sauce, Sample, Wilbur, Brainfreeze – on a cool (for June) mostly clear morning. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Mosey, Motivators, Abe Vigodas, Through the Tunnel, LBACs THE THANG Similar to 11s. Exercises at end of runs number by twos and add to 12. (2