Iron Horse and 35 degrees….is there really any better place to spend a hour on an early Saturday morning? 14 PAX agreed and readied themselves for a recycled VQ from YHC. DISCLAIMERPRAYERCOPTTT – 10 IC WMH – 10 sec right and left Imperial Walker – 10 IC LBAC – 10 IC
Category: Northeast Tennessee
Dec. 20th Jar Jar’s Just a Few Merkins
23 degree clear morning. No rain! 7 Pax rolled out of bed. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP 5 Burpees OYO TTT – 10 IC 5 Burpees OYO Imperical Walker (Release of the Newest Star Wars) 15 IC 5 Burpees OYO Hillbilly Walkers – 15 IC 5 Burpees OYO Mosey to the Skate
32 degrees for 6 PAX celebrating Gutterball’s 40th a bit early. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP, THE THANG, and the MARY 40 Exercises, 40 Reps each….let’s go. 1. SSH 2. LBAC 20 for/rev 3. Toy soldier 40 yds 4. Bear Crawl 40 yds 5. Block press 6. Monkey humpers 7. Merkin 8.
12 Days of Christmas 12/10/19
Insert optional info about the weather, number of pax, etc. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Insert information about the warmup. THE THANG Insert information about the workout. Sometimes bulleted lists are handy. MARY Insert information about any additional post-THANG work (if applicable). CIRCLE OF TRUST PRAYER MOLESKIN Insert any personal comments, notes,
10 Pax strung some pearls
YHC was blessed with the presence of 9 other Pax on a quite chilly morning with the promise of no bear crawls DISCLAIMER COPSSH x20 IC abe vigoda x10 IC imperial walker x10 IC wmh x10 IC little baby arm circles f/r x10 IC slow merkins x10 slow squats x10 THE
Yurpee EMOM’s and Sandbags
10 PAX, 20 degrees outside, we needed some movement to keep us all warm.DISCLAIMERPRAYERCOPMerkins IC x 12 Air Squats IC x 12 SSH IC x 12 2 mosey laps around the parking lotTHE THANGFirst set was to be a 20 minute EMOM First minute – 5 Yurpees, rest remaining time
10 total Pax came out to the hill. 4 of us ran and 6 did the IPC. No one took the Q so I came up with something. DISCLAIMER COP Warm up lap TTT x10 WMH 10 count each side then hold the middle Stretching THE THANG We started on
Soggy Circuits
13 Pax were not deterred by the cold rain and stepped out into the very soggy, very sloppy swamp that was Founder’s Park for 11 stations of fun. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Because YHC knows the dangers of doing stupid things like lifting heavy objects without properly warming up, we started
Iron Valley 12/16/2019 – 12 Days of Christmas
DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP These were mostly for the purpose of demonstrating things that will be part of the thang to make sure everyone is familiar with these movements. Yurpees – 10 OYO Willie Mayes Hayes – 10 IC Valley merkins – 5 IC Plank leg lifts – 10 IC Box
Pushing, Pulling, and a Hill
8 PAX found their way out from the comfort of their warm homes to the brisk and cold parking lot. 2 PAX met at 0458 for a pre-bootcamp ruck around the hill. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Warm Up Motivators from 8 TTT IC X10 LBAC X12 RLBAC X12 THE THANG Pax