8 PAX, perfect fatman weather, good mumble chatter DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP 30x SSH IC 10x Yurpee OYO THE THANG Ruck various items including 2 truck tires, 115# brute bag, 115# brute ball mosey to wall, wall sit to jingle bells mosey to dead man’s crossing, 5x yurpee mosey to stairs,
Category: Northeast Tennessee
Lost on North Hills
34 degrees – 12PAX DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Did a lap on the track THE THANG 6 min warm up jog toward N. Hills- then began interval training Race Pace at :20sec x 3 with 1 min easy jog in between Race Pace at :40 x 4 with 1 min easy
12/2/19 mudslide’s wow this is a lot more running than i intended
blowing snow. 4 pax. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP motivators, hillbilly walkers, little baby arm circles, through the tunnel, jog, dynamic stretching THE THANG Diego workout in hallway. Partners have to complete exercises as a team. 1 does the exercise while the other runs half the hallway and comes back to relieve
Happy 150th Birthday Johnson City
It was a wet, 43 degree morning in the gloom! Slight rain for a little bit, but that didn’t stop 15 of the bravest, smartest, and willing Pax in Johnson City. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Warmup lap around the Great Lawn THE THANG To celebrate Johnson City’s 150th birthday we payed
Sophomore Beat Down Dumbbells and laps
4 posted in the gloom @ warriorspath, it was cool and wet. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP 30 – SSH Farmer carry dumbbells to picnic shelter THE THANG 20 – one arm dumbbell row 20 – dumbbell curls 10 – dumbbell shoulder press 20 – Kettlebell swing (with a dumbbell) 20 –
11/28 EMOM
35* on Thanksgiving morning with many PAX fartsacking. Only 3 brave souls. Little Debbie QIC. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Mosey to band field 100 Yards Build-a-burpee (10yds, Squat, 10yds, Merkin, 10yds, Jump Squat…) Run back 100 yards 100 Yards Build-a-burpee Mosey to bus stop THE THANG EMOM repeated for four rounds
Re-introduction to Greta
6 Pax came out for a little “fun”. Gloomy chilly morning but the rain was only a drizzle. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Motivator-7 Willie Mays Hays- 10 count each side TTT-IC-10 LBAC both ways IC-15 THE THANG Grab your coupon and lets mosey. We went around the track to the front
Pre-Thanksgiving Leg Day Dora
9 PAX put in some hard work. The forecasted rain held off for most of the Q. Rain gave PAX a second wind about halfway through. 2 PAX got a 1.5 mile ruck in before Q. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Motivators from 8 TTT IC WMH IC Indian Ruck to Skate
Jake’s Birthday Q
32F Dry and Clear 12 men came for the challengeDISCLAIMERPRAYERCOPMotivator from 5- TTT – Willie Mayes Hayes THE THANG Dora Style Workout Bernie Sanders up the hill at run back while partner completes- 90 Merkins 90 Heels to Heaven 90 Shoulder Touch Plank 90 Squats 90 LBC 90 Dry Docks
Speed Intervals on the SH Campus Loop
35 degrees – 13 PAX DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP 1 Lap on Track – then Dynamic Stretching warm up on the field – knee hugs, quads, skips, butt kicks, toe touch, high knees, striders across the field and back THE THANG on a 1.1 mile loop going around SH Campus we