Rain Held off for 12 PAX to put in some work. CO-Q with Launchpad and YHC DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP In typical Launchpad fashion: Slaughter Starter WMH – Left, Right, to Middle LBAC – Forward and Reverse THE THANG Mosey to the HILL next to greenhouse. Partner up. BACON. One PAX
Category: Northeast Tennessee
Plyometircs with a VQ
It was a cool 35 degrees this morning. 12 PAX showed up in the Gloom to do some Plyometrics with a VQ. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP 15 – Sid Straddle Hop in cadence 15 – Burbees THE THANG Mosey to the white field. 10 Jump Squats/40 yard sprint/10 push-ups/40 yard sprint
My 20th Q
36 degrees with a damp field as 10 PAX tried some new stuff as Gutterball celebrated his 20th Q. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Chinooks IC x 15 LBAC IC x10 forward and reverse SSH IC x20 Imperial walkers IC x10 Hillbilly walkers IC x10 Through the tunnel IC x10 WMH 10
Reminiscing About The O JC Christmas Tree
Disclaimer COP – Sugar Cool 38 degree morning. 13 PAX including Dutch Boy from Charlotte gathered to relive an impromptu Q originally led by Rite-Aid & Pythagoras about Christmas time last year when Whoopi – who was the scheduled Site-Q – fartsacked. It still sucks today as much as YHC
AMRAP Mile X 2
Balmy 38 degrees for 17 pax for the Honeysuckle AMRAP Mile. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP TTT (IC) X 10 Abe Vigoda (IC) X 10 Imperial Walker (IC) X 25 LBACs (IC) X 10 both directions Merkins (IC) X 10 Slow squats (IC) X 10 Burpees (OYO) X 10 The AMRAP Mile
Dora with a Twist
It was wet and cold (41 degrees) but 10 Pax still came out to brave the elements. DISCLAIMER COP Mosey run from the parking lot to the football field. SSHx15 TTTx10 THE THANG – Broad jump from the goal line to the 10 and reverse lunge back (5 rounds). Dora:
Running Down a Dream
Nice 40 degree morning, overcast but it was dark so who knew…..QIC – Honeysuckle DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP We stretched. THE THANG Interval training around the track. 100 m fast paced run followed by 100 m mosey X 4, then 200 m X 4, then 400 m X 2, then 200
Increments of 36
3o-ish degrees for a Little Debbie 36th Birthday Q. 5 PAX DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP 36 of some of the normal things. THE THANG I’m going to claim birthday laziness. We ran small distances and did 36 reps of random exercises. This lasted for an hour. MARY Little Debbie, Osmosis, and
5-10-15-20 circuit
28 brisk degrees – 17 PAX DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP SSH IC x 30, TTT IC x 10, IW IC (somewhat) x 15, LBAC F/R IC x 10, Merkin IC x 10, slow squat IC x 10 THE THANG 2 stations on the big loop with 5 exercises at each –
10 x 10 (+1 more)
13 PAX showed up in the crisp gloom of Iron Horse for YHC’s 38th Birthday Q. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Motivators from 7 IC LBACs forward & backwards x 10 IC Seal Claps x 10 IC Shoulder Pretzels x 10 IC Imperial Walkers x 10 IC Frankensteins x 10 IC Oh