62 degrees, the rain took a break, 9 PAX for some solid movement. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Air Squats x 10 IC LBAC’s Forward x 10 IC SSH x 15 IC Elevator Merkins on the Q THE THANG Moseyed to Dora Hill and partnered up. Standard Dora work followed. 50 burpees
Category: Northeast Tennessee
7 of “DIE”monds
55 deg 13 pax DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP slaughter starter (20 burpees OYO) moseyed around track (1/4 mile performing warm up exercises at 4 stops. Stop 1) 10 four count squats, 5 mountain man poopers, stop 2) 20 more burpees OYO, stop 3) 30 SSH, 7 abe vigoda, stop 4) 10
Sprints & Ladders B-Day Q
17 PAX showed up in the beautiful 48 degree gloom for my 48th Birthday Sprints & Ladders w/ A Few Minutes of Pain Beat Down. DISCLAIMER PRAYER (Forgot to pray…my bad!) COP Monkey Hummers | 20 IC Bat Wings | 10 each IC (LBAC Forward, LBAC Back, Seal Claps, Overhead
3.7 and 37 Seconds
10 runners and 2 others descended on The Hill to join YHC in a birthday celebration. Absolutely perfect 48 degree morning. Slightly gloomy with a good chance of sweat. DISCLAIMERPRAYERCOPTTT – 10 IC WMH – Right then left for a 10 count Imperial Walker – 10 IC Mosey out of
It’s All Fun and Games Until Someone Gets Hurt-Rinsed
Sixteen Pax showed up Oct. 12 to get better for a recylced Cold Call Q from February of 2018. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Imperial Walkers (IC) x15 Little Baby Arm Circles (IC) x 20 LBAC in Reverse (IC) x20 Though The Tunnel (IC) x15 Slow Squats (IC) x10 THE THANG Today
The Making of Men
5 doods showed up to put in the work and get made into men. DISCLAIMER COP Mosey to the playround, with some LBAC, 20 merkins, 20 SSH IC, 10 TTT, and some other stuff thrown in. THE THANG Knowing that manmakers are both tedious and horrible, I set out to
21s and Man Makers
We had a nice cool morning on the last day for The Range in the Man Maker Challenge. 10 Pax came out. DISCLAIMER COP Mosey to the parking lot with the stairs. SSHx15 TTTx15 Merkinsx10 THE THANG Pax split into two groups. One group went to one set of stairs,
Running…and Man Makers!
34 degrees, perfect weather for some cardio work to really warm everyone up. 10 PAX with block in hand. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Slow squats x 10 IC Reverse lunges x 10 IC LBAC forward x 15 IC LBAC reverse x 15 IC Shoulder Pretzels x 15 IC SSH x 15
BDay Q – Man-maker Party
Nice chill, mid 30’s – clear skies, 15 in attendance DISCLAIMERPRAYERCOPwarm up incl. Motivator x7; Through the Tunnel, WMH, LBHC THE THANGDora (partner runs to middle of hill 10 squats and then continues to the top and then back) Other person with the blocks Man Makers 75 Block curls 100
B.O.M.B. – ran out of time for the S.
39 perfect degrees with 15 PAX DISCLAIMER – (DID NOT FORGET THIS TIME!) PRAYER COP SSH IC X 20, IW IC(somewhat) x ??, TTT IC X 6, 5 Burpees OYO, Overhead Air Press IC X 10, Merkin IC X 6, Big Boy SU IC x 5, Slow Squat IC X