So as the title denotes, today I wanted to try something new, a “blind” run on the Erwin guys. Today was the 3rd F for these guys. So we talked about what Faith looks like to our group. More to come on that topic. Let the fun begin. 19 posted (3 FNGs) for
Category: Northeast Tennessee
Burpie Football
4/13/17 0530 Conditions: 48 degrees with clear skies and bright moon out. 15 PAX showed up for some Burpee football. Disclaimer Prayer Warm up: 8 Through the Tunnel in cadence (1 more than we were supposed to, rookie mistake). 7 Imperial Walkers in cadence 7 Merkins oyo 7 Little baby
Raising Heck
Time: 0530 Temp: 50-ish Disclaimer Prayer Warm-up Side Straddle Hops-25 in cadence Imperial Walkers-15 in cadence Don Quixotes-15 in cadence Brief Mosey around the loop for later reference Little Baby Arm Circles-15 Forward/Backward in cadence Willie Mays Hayes-15 in cadence Hillbilly Walkers-15 in cadence Through the Tunnel-10 in cadence The
Can Dora Bear It?
Conditions: 47 (very appropriate as explained below) and clear (which strangely would have been a heat wave a month ago; today guys were back to long sleeves and tights!) Warmup SSH x 47 IC IW x 20 IC Morning Glories X 15 IC DQ X 15 IC (Pax wanted Abe
Peter Piper Picked a Pound of Pickles
TIME: 0530 TEMP: 53 degrees DISCLAIMER COP WARMUP SSH x40IC Emperial Walkers x20IC Hillbilly Walkers x20IC TTT x15IC Windmills x15IC THE THANG String of Pearls (but really more like a pearl pendant) Mosey Around Carpool Circle Plank on the Six Plank Jacks x30IC Mountain climbers x30IC LBAC x20IC and reverse Jump
Kris Kross will make ya…
4/11/17 5:30 Condition: NICE. 54 degrees. COP – Pythagoras Disclaimer Prayer Warmup: SIDE STRADDLE HOP – 25 IC LITTLE BABY ARM CIRCLES – 15 IC Forwards, 15 IC Backward MERKINS – 10 IC ARM PRETZELS – 25 IC WILLY MAYS HAYES – 15 IC at some point around this time,
Someone said they want more blocks and arms? … At least that is what I heard.
4/11/17 0530 Conditions: 54 degrees and Clear, The field was damp which added the gloom COP – Jar Jar Disclaimer Prayer Warm up: 3 burpees oyo (got a little criticism for the “slaughter” starter, or lack there of) 4 man makers oyo 5 parker peters w/ merkins oyo (plank,
Don’t Put Down Your Gun
Submitted by Kardashian on behalf of Queen Conditions: 30 and clear (last? cold day – you never know in these mountains) Motivators from 10 Through the tunnel 10 1 lap Bataan Death March 5 burpees Then station based exercise around 8 light poles All while carrying a cinder block Station
Buddy up 2nd F Focused Q
Weather: Clear and a brisk 32 11 PAX descended on the yet-to-be-named Erwin AO to put in some work. A handful of JC faithful joined a core group of Erwin studs for a Q focused on the 2nd F. COP – Rudy Disclaimer Prayer Warm-up Motivator –
Just when you thought no-one could count worse…
weather: a much better than expected 50 degrees after rainy night 12 PAX braved the morning after a threat of harsh weather forced the QIC to modify his workout from an expected Pavillion workout to use of the full Iron Horse COT – Refill, disclaimer, Prayer Warmup; SSH’s – 18 IC, Windmill’s-18 IC, Arm