Weather: Cool, 63 and clear YHC needed a reminder that a table with three legs doesn’t easily fall so . . . see the Thang. Disclaimer Prayer – Kardashian COP: SSH x20 IC TTT x10 IC Windmills x15 IC Mosey to the park sign/metal statue/olympic torch? IW x15 IC Squats
Category: Northeast Tennessee
Wheel of Misfortune…Chalk it up.
AO: Iron Horse – 5:30a Weather: Awesome…70 and dry YHC had no intention of re-inventing the wheel with this one…therefore, I borrowed from a recent F3Jumanji BB. Here’s how it went down… Disclaimer Prayer – Rite Aid COP: Merkins x 10 IC LBAC x 20 IC (forward and reverse) Merkins
How Many?
*Posted by Donatello on behalf of Escape Hatch* After last week’s lower body beat down, YHC is surprised there was such a great turnout for another Escape Hatch Q. Nevertheless, here goes Disclaimer Prayer COP SSH (50 IC) LBAC (10 IC, each way) Imperial Walkers (20 IC) Hillbillies (20 IC)
Tire Triathlon
*Posted by Donatello on behalf of Penn-Seagal & Rub-a-dub* Any day VQ’s show up with tires in tow—it’s going to be a good day. Penn-Seagal and Rub-a-dub opted to tag team their first Q’s. These two are JC OG’s (posted at launch day 1), so it’s about time. They did
Dora meets the Atomic Merkin
Weather: a pleasant 63 The Thang: COP Disclaimer Warm up: SSH x18 (IC) TTT x20 (IC) Merkin x20 (IC) Good Mornings x10 (IC) Merkins x20 oyo Enough warm up: Buddy up and start some Dora 1.2.3. 100 BBSU’s, 200 Atomic Merkins (but since YHC is a benevolent and gracious Q, I made
F3 Filthy Fifty
YHC wrote way to much in Thursday’s BB—so this will be short and sweet. It was a snotwaggler. After watching Olympic coverage of the Decathlon the idea of 10 events lingered in the twisted mind of YHC. Recalling some of the memories purged from the days of CrossFit, YHC recalled
Why not Murph?
I’ve said it repeatedly and I will say it again—if I could only do one workout the rest of my life, it would be Murph—simple, but ridiculously effective. A total body smoker with a heathy dose of YHC’s favorite exercise, the pull-up. We do not have pull-up bars at the
Jobs Delivers
*Posted by Donatello on Behalf of Jobs* We had good turnout of 13 for F3 workout on Tues. Morning. Jobs took the Q for the first time. (Editorial Note: Jobs is a man of few words, he’s too busy putting in the work) Disclaimer COP Side Straddle Hop (25
Rite Aid—Spooners?
*Posted by Donatello on behalf of Rite Aid. Some editing liberty taken* The Thang: Disclaimer Prayer COP Merkins (10 IC) SSH (20 IC) Imperial Walkers (20 IC) Merkins (10 IC) LBC (20 IC) Merkins (8 IC) Hillbillies (20 IC) Merkins (6 IC) Squats (20 IC) Merkins (6 IC) Flutter Kicks
Lunges, Squats and an Iron Horse
Disclaimer Prior to beginning warm up exercises, in COP, YHC wanted to share a quote from Ben Franklin: “Without continual growth and progress, such words as improvement, achievement, and success have no meaning”. Idea behind that was to remind the Pax that we aren’t just out here to sweat. Weather: