It was a cool 46 degree fall morning when 7 PAX decided to see what bobber had in store for them today in the Q. Sticking with the premise that this week is miles totals and next week is burpees. The YHC decided why not get miles in while preparing
Tag: bobber
It was cold and wet – everyone coming out knew what time is was…..3rd Tuesday of the month…. DISCLAIMER THE THANG Run around the school twice (.75 miles) 10 Pull Ups (sprint 100yrds) 20 Mericans (sprint 100yrds) 25 Dips (sprint 100yrds) 30 LBC (sprint 100yrds) x5 Run around school twice
New Ways to Merkin
It was a warm 54 degree morning when 5 doods showed up to challenge themselves. Since this week is the Merkin challenge with FiA the YHC decided to add some new ways to do merkins to get the numbers up for the AO. Great work men and thanks for joining
Forgot the cool title we thought of during the workout
Here is the deal….SPAM signed us up to battle FiA. This week was Squats. HOW could we do a lot of squats, not a lot of the same squat and still have some “fun”. I found the Exicon, searched for Squats and found 10 that looked like fun. Ironically, 10
Chick Peas
Clear skies with a temperature in the 50s. Perfect weather for the start of squat week. 12 PAX felt the same way and we had ourselves a good ole fashioned Tuesday smoker. The Floridians looked cold, but deep down they appreciated the temperature as we got things moving. DISCLAIMER COP
Iron Paxish

It was a cool and crisp morning, perfect for some iron paxish action. The moon was out, we had an FNG – welcome Little John-, and the PAX were ready to grind. DISCLAIMER Always modify as needed. Don’t hurt yourself. PRAYER Thankful for the day and the strength to get
Farmer’s Frenzy Fiesta: The Galactic Edition 🌌
On a cool, clear morning, 11 brave souls gathered under a sky so clear you’d think we were auditioning for a role in “Star Wars”. The moon, big and full, looked down on us like a proud parent watching their kid’s first school play. And let me tell you, the
It was a SkEtChY 9 hOlEs
Twas a cool, beautiful morning… the sun was just starting to peak and 9 doodes were wondering if we’re playing Ultimate Frisbee, using our blocks and why there were a ton of orange cones around the AO. DISCLAIMER COP SsH TTT WMH Slow Squat Slow merkins into twister style leg/
This was dumb but Zima liked it
Eighty percent of the 10 pax arrived on time, which mean early, so we began precisely at 0530 while the tardy 20% were parking DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Imperial wakers hillbilly walkers ssh abe vigoda ttt sticky butt kickers mtn man poopers lbac seal claps merkins THE THANG After Qing approximately
DIY Double Decker Dora
9 doods had…the time of our lives…and we never felt like this before. And we owe it all to PBS. The weather was delightful. The ground was moisty. I think a lot of doods were tired, and it was humid, so this was a grind. Grinding produces results and is