It was cold and windy. At 9:30, the app said 95% chance of rain but it broke for 45 minutes to give us a dry-ish workout. Whoops!! Where’s the Q. YHC and Swingline subbed in. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP SSH X20 IC IW X10 IC DQ X10 IC LBAC >X10<X9 IC
Tag: Candyland
Arm Day at Iron Horse
27 PAX post for a crisp-but-dry 32º morning, and Penn-Seagal’s first Q since his birthday in August — a event so epic that the Johnson City Press showed up to document the occasion. (Full disclosure: That correlation might be diminished slightly by the knowledge that Pythagoras called the Press to
Is there a cure for the cold? Yes, it’s called AMRAP
27 PAX gathered on a cool and breezy 38-degree morning to put in a good workout at the IH AO. It was nice to see a few PAX from Iron Valley AO join in on the fun. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Motivator from 8 – IC LBAC – 15 IC LBAC
Doc Ock brings some “fun” to IronHorse from IronValley
WEATHER – Beautiful 52 degree WINTER morning DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Squats – 3 Count hold – 10 There was a grumble from 2A for he knows the “3 count hold” the QIC plays. The PAX found this is more of a Simon Says game, with a 7 to 10 count
BOMBS on the BIG Hill
19 Pax including 2 FNG’s gathered on a slightly drizzly morning in the lower 40’s. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Shoulder width legs apart stretch,-right, left, & middle. Willie Mays Hayes,-right and left. Little Baby Arm Circles x 15 IC F&B. Motivator from 7. THE THANG Mosey to the amphitheater. 20 Merkins