12 Pax made the hard decision to put the feet on the floor and head out into the gloom. The decision was so hard that Lite Brite almost didn’t make his own VQ. The rain held off with minimal lightning in the area. Guest appearances by Wapner from Indiana and
Tag: Chum (R)
Lift Heavy and Run
12 Pax rolled out of bed and into the gloom at The Range. It was 66 degrees and 86% humidity. This was much nicer conditions than YHC had been in for the past week while visiting the Pax of F3 Hilton Head. YHC was excited to be home with the
11’s and Derkins by Jar Jar and Lite Brite
10 Pax met in the gloom under 70 degrees and mild humidity to put in work. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP IW – 15 IC 5 Burpees OYO TTT – I0 IC 5 Burpees OYO Willie Mays Hayes 10 each leg 5 Burpees OYO LBAC Front and Back – 10 IC 5
King of the Hill, part 2
It was a beautiful morning for a hill workout. To get the most out of our hill workout, we mosey’d to the treacherous steep hill to conduct the beatdown. 12 PAX embarked upon a journey they did not want to take; however, YHC, did not want to take the journey
Jar Jar can Q more than just lifting heavy stuff.
15 Pax put feet on the floor and showed up to put in work. Temp 55 ish. DISCLAIMER – Not a professional, abide COVID 19 rules PRAYER COP YHC had to convince one Pax to skip a rest day to post by incorporating Burpees. 10 Burpees OYO (For Charmin) 5
DORA’s Kettlebell Suck 6/9/20
14 PAX endured some good ole fashioned suck with a DORA. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP SSH, Frankensteins, LBACs THE THANG Mosey to Tombstone for Dora Dora Included UHAULs, BBSu, and Kettlebell Swings Curls, Gas Pumps, and Goblet Squats (for those who were ahead) CIRCLE OF TRUST PRAYER ANNOUNCEMENTS Convergence 7/11 at
Gold Dust VQ
16 PAX came together on a beautiful 57 degree morning ready to put in some work for Gold Dust’s VQ intended to work all parts of the body without killing any one part while also mixing in some cardio. PAX were able to log between 1.75 and 2.50 miles during
Everest and 21s
18 PAX including FNG Herb DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Slaughter Starter THE THANG Mosey to Tombstone Hill. -Everest Up, Bear Crawl Down x2 21s. -1 Hand Release Burpee, run to top, 20 Squats MARY Wave of Merkins. Made it to 6 before time was called. CIRCLE OF TRUST PRAYER MOLESKIN ANNOUNCEMENTS
burpees and the everest
15 PAX for a muggy 72 degree gloom DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Motivator from 6 TTTx10 WMH x10 (each way) LBAC forward and reverse x10 THE THANG Mosey to bottom of Cotty Jones Rd. and EVEREST to the flag. L lunge step, air squat, R lunge step. Rinse and Repeat. Bear
A Post-Pandemic Back Blast of a Pre-Pandemic Birthday of 12-7-2019
This is a Very Very Late back blast for a workout on my 57th birthday On December 7th, 2019!!! Now that my 57 and 1/2 birthday occurred yesterday I realized – whoops – I never did this. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP The Warmup The Motivator from 7 Through the Tunnel IC