It was a nice and gloomy 54 degrees when 13 PAX came together for one goal: work hard (and enjoy some good tunes)! Welcome 2 FNGs – Showtime and U-Turn!!! DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP The Motivator from 7 Block Burpees (OYO) x 10 Bat Wings IC x 10 (Forwards, Backwards, Front
Tag: Cluck (R)
The Filthy 50
The morning was perfectly set for a Filthy 50 workout. This workout was prepping us for The Murph DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Warm-up SSH X 30 IC Hotel Hill Lap TTT X 10 IW X 30 IC THE THANG The Filthy 50: Each PAX brought a coupon to conduct the below
Post Murph Q
We had 8 Pax show up on a nice warm morning. Everything’s sore from Murph yesterday, therefore I thought we would take it a little easy. DISCLAIMER COP Bridge Lap SSH x30 Imperial Walkers x15 Slow Merkins x10 Slow Squats x10 THE THANG 1. We lined up in the parking
Luck of the Draw
8 PAX showed up in to 36 degree gloom thanks to the Bipolar Weather Disorder! DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP SSH (IC) X 20 Hill Billy Walkers (IC) X 15 TTT (IC) X 10 Willy May Hays (10 count each side) THE THANG Luck of the Draw with giant playing cards… Hearts
MURPH Training 101
Gloomy but dry morning, threatening rain, 60ish temp. QIC = Honeysuckle DISCLAIMER – including social distancing PRAYER COP TTT (IC) X 10 SSH (IC) X 25 Imperial Walker (IC) X 20 LBACs (IC) X 10 then reverse (IC) X 10 then chinooks (IC) X 10 THE THANG In preparation for
ISC (Immortal Station Challenge)

9 PAX immortal strong THIS gloom and SWEET mumble chatter!!! Nice to see everyone’s face!DISCLAIMERPRAYERCOPSSH IC x20Count LBAC IC Forward and Reverse x10count TTT OYO Imperial Walkers IC 20 count THE THANGPick Your Parking Lot Space for Social Distancing! 4 Rounds Of Each To reach our total of 100 coupon
Going Out With a Burpee
It was 50 degrees, Damp, and 9 Pax made their way into the gloom. DISCLAIMER – Jar Jar – I am not a professional, you are here on your own free will, modify as needed. PRAYER – Jar Jar COP Imperial Walkers – 15 IC Merkins – 11 IC Batwings –
Bear Crawls, Broad Jumps and Bridge Laps
It was a chilly Feb. morning, but nothing a few PAX couldn’t handle. DISCLAIMER – GivenPRAYER – DoneCOP – Check 50 X SSH IC 10 X TTT IC 15 X 2-Count Slow Jump Squat IC 10 Sec WMH Left and Right IC THE THANG2 Rounds of different exercises and movements. The
The Fellowship Q
Immortal Station 2nd F Q: The Fellowship Q 12 PAX came out in 19 degrees to partake in the Fellowship Q. Our focus was on the 2nd F of F3 and all exercises were partner-minded. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP SSHs (IC) – 30 / Bat Wings (IC) – 20 (LBAC Forward, LBAC
The Immortal Triangle
It was an awesome 38 degree morning for 6 PAX to give everything they had. The workout required a lot of running, legs, and shoulders. As a few of us were running, we realized we need walkie talkies to be able to communicate with Honeysuckle! He was flying!! He is