Eight showed up at Lincoln Park To come and work out in the dark. With Irish tunes a playin’ loud, We did the work and made the rounds. Not a one gave up the fight, But each one worked with all their might! DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Motivators | from 7
Tag: Cluck (R)
Block-n-Run Ladder
9 PAX showed up in the post storm gloom to prove they weren’t afraid of some wet asphalt. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP SSH IC x 20 IW IC x 15 LBAC IC x 10 (forward & reverse) THE THANG Round 1 10 Curl w/ Coupon 10 Jump Squat 10 Overhead Press
Reps and Runs
It was a chilly Tuesday AM, but 8 PAX from Immortal Station pushed themselves through 3 Rounds of Reps and Runs. DISCLAIMER – Yes PRAYER – Yep COP Insert information about the warmup. THE THANG YHC set out 3 pieces of high quality cardboard with reps and run listed on
Bookend Bridge Lap Burpee Beachbody Kilo Beatdown
Gloomy morning, not as bad as last Thursday, 9 pax showed up for the beatdown. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP We warmed up a bit. THE THANG 100 reps each exercise, complete one exercise before moving to the next. After each set, run a bridge lap and complete 10 burpees in the
Patriot WOD – Freedom
This was the best way we could celebrate the freedom we have and the men who sacrificed and are still sacrificing for this freedom. The men who came expected a tough workout, but the addition of the burpees added a special bonus by YHC. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP There was mumble
What Did the Farmer Say to the Ballerina
It was a humid morning for 6 Pax and a Nantan to act like farmers and carry heavy things. The workout began with some balancing acts by having the PAX stand on their blocks and perform the warm-up activities without falling off. During the IW, HBW, one-legged LBACs, and slow
April SHOWERS Bring May FLO…
The weather was great and the only showers coming down was the sweat that would be pouring off all of the brows of 6 dudes (4 with RESPECT) who decided to roll out of bed with their coupons for some Spring fun at Immortal Station. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Motivators from
The More…The Merrier! Ruck Workout
The potential for rain didn’t stop 6 HIMs from coming out to The Ridge on a gloomy Saturday to throw some rucks on and get to work! DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP SSHs w/ Ruck | IC x 20 LBACs F/B | IC x 10 TTT | IC x 10 THE THANG MARY
7 of Diamonds
It was chilly Balmy 29 degrees with snow on the ground and 10 brave PAX with QIC Honeysuckle DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP We warmed up THE THANG 7 of Diamonds, slightly modified from the Exicon. A diamond course was set up around the library and visitors’ center parking lot. Due to
Tabata Tuesday – October Chaos
It was foggy and in the low 40s. Yet 10 HIMs still showed up to enjoy some haunted tunes during the October Chaos Tabata DJ’d by YHC at Immortal Station in Jonesborough! DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP SSHs | IC x 20 Batwings (Forward, Back, Seal & Overhead) | IC x 10 BBACs (Forward