12 PAX showed up for an olde tyme five and dime with perfect 41 degree weather. DISCLAIMER Burpees x 5. Easy peasy. Motivator from 10. And there was much rejoicing. 15 LBAC’s fwd then back. Discussion about five and dime. Mosey to the playground with a coupon. THE THANG Five
Tag: Gutterball
3 year prison patdown
14 PAX showed up for a 3-year anniversary Q led by YHC with the same dreary weather as the last 2 weeks, Seattle style (at least it wasn’t cold!). DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Motivator from 7 – except Donatello who started at 5 and whined the entire time. Jobs cracks a
OJ Hates Your Shoulders
12 PAX in the gloom, very light rain but very wet pavement. The exact temperature varied depending on who you ask, but best guess is low 50s. VQ. DISCLAIMER – everyone now knows I am not a professionalPRAYERCOP Motivators from 5 TTT (IC) X 10 Abe Vigodas (super-fast windmill style)
DORA Returns
9 PAX braved the threat of rain to put in work to start the day right. Yes, it rained a little… DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Motivator from 7 TTT – 10 IC LBAC and then Reverse LBAC- 10 IC Merkins – 10 IC Mosey to Playground THE THANG DORA with partner
Mid 50s with a bit of cloud cover for the Gutterball AnniQ. 15 PAX joined the fun DISCLAIMER COP We just started THE THANG 25 exercises, 25 reps each SSH IC LBAC Toy soldier 25 yds Bear Crawl 25 yds Block press Monkey humpers Merkin Tuck jumps American Hammers IC
Arrowhead 3-Year Convergence
39 PAX joined on cloudy day, mid-30s to celebrate the three year anniversary of the Arrowhead AO. Honeysuckle started us off… DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Jester: SSH ICx20 Imperial Walkers ICx15 Abe Vigoda IC x10 WMH 10 ea side LBAC ICx10 forward and reverse Merkins IC x10 Count off in 3s
PBS 3 Year AnniQ
9 doods showed up. Thankful for each one and for those with us in spirit. DISCLAIMER COP Insert information about the warmup. THE THANG With the amount I currently travel, the only way I can stay fit is to workout on the road. A Tabata workout has become my best
Compounding geometric ladder
Crisp mid-30s and damp from the overnight rain showers DISCLAIMER – was provided although Donatello showed up after said disclaimer was provided PRAYER COP Motivator from 7 TTT (Abe Vigoda style) X 5 (IC) Abe Vigoda (IC) X 6 LBACs (IC) X 10, reverse X 10, Moroccan night club, cherry
the most Okayest workout ever!
perfect 30 degree weather, 14 Pax. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP motivator from 8, moseyed the long way to pull up bar area. 5 min abs 1 min of each of the following- mountain climbers,flutter kicks, side planks, LBC, and plank jacks. THE THANG 15 min AMRAP– 10 pullups, jog to last
Too Cold to Type
11 PAX braved the cold 21 Degrees and Wind Chill at 14 DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Motivator from 5 – Willie Mays Hayes- TTT – Arm Pretzels THE THANG Dora- One partners runs 10 yards, bear crawl across track to rail road ties and does 10 step ups on each leg,