11 PAX showed up for a wet, rainy morning of 55°. YHC was picking up the Q because Balk was feeling a little under the weather… ? DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Motivators from 7 IC LBACs IC x 15 (forwards and backwards) Shoulder pretzels IC x 15 HR Merkins IC x
Tag: Gutterball
6 pax used Dora to prove we live on a globe
6 pax posted on a perfect 40° morning DISCLAIMER COPssh x15 ic lbac’s forwards and reverse x10 ic abe vigoda x10ic willy Mays hays 10 r/l imperial walker x15 ic yurpees x20 oyo THE THANGPax mosey to the left towards the front of the school and stopped at the end of the
Happy 150th Johnson City
Johnson City Tennessee was chartered December 1, 1869. It was a cool 30 degrees as 18 PAX assembled to put in a little post-Thanksgiving work and celebrate the sesquicentennial (ses-kwih-sen-ten-ee-ul) (seskwəsenˈtenēəl). 3 PAX modified the entire workout and ran.DISCLAIMERPRAYERCOP SSH IC x20 LBAC IC x 10 forward, x10 reverse Imperial
Jake’s Birthday Q
32F Dry and Clear 12 men came for the challengeDISCLAIMERPRAYERCOPMotivator from 5- TTT – Willie Mayes Hayes THE THANG Dora Style Workout Bernie Sanders up the hill at run back while partner completes- 90 Merkins 90 Heels to Heaven 90 Shoulder Touch Plank 90 Squats 90 LBC 90 Dry Docks
My 20th Q
36 degrees with a damp field as 10 PAX tried some new stuff as Gutterball celebrated his 20th Q. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Chinooks IC x 15 LBAC IC x10 forward and reverse SSH IC x20 Imperial walkers IC x10 Hillbilly walkers IC x10 Through the tunnel IC x10 WMH 10
AMRAP Mile X 2
Balmy 38 degrees for 17 pax for the Honeysuckle AMRAP Mile. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP TTT (IC) X 10 Abe Vigoda (IC) X 10 Imperial Walker (IC) X 25 LBACs (IC) X 10 both directions Merkins (IC) X 10 Slow squats (IC) X 10 Burpees (OYO) X 10 The AMRAP Mile
Keeping Warm
Extra brisk 22 degrees with a bright moon shining just enough light to see the track through the clouds. 7 PAX enjoyed a last minute Q put together with the goal to keep warm. Of note, Honeysuckle and Rudy spent the same 45 minutes running in the vicinity and acknowledging
We worked out…..
Forgot to do BB, recording attendance for Q. QIC Honeysuckle.
BDay Q – Man-maker Party
Nice chill, mid 30’s – clear skies, 15 in attendance DISCLAIMERPRAYERCOPwarm up incl. Motivator x7; Through the Tunnel, WMH, LBHC THE THANGDora (partner runs to middle of hill 10 squats and then continues to the top and then back) Other person with the blocks Man Makers 75 Block curls 100
That hill though
Brisk 41 degrees 13 PAX showed up to put in work DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Man-Maker Slaughter Starter THE THANG Indian run around the school, stopping at the base of the hill in the front of school. Partner up for a DORA. Partner 1 performs cumulative reps of merkins(100) big boy