16 pax DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP 9 min warm up – 1 lap, SSH IC x 20, TTT IC x 10, WMH IC x 10, 3 min Mosey THE THANG 3 x :20 sec race pace w/1min recovery pace 4 x :40 sec race pace w/1 min recovery pace 8 x
Tag: Kardashian (R)
Bernies, Bears and Crabs
It was 67 degrees when 18 pax unsacked themselves to become better! Now their happy for it! DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP The Motivator from 7 Squats x10 Sprinkler to the left x10 Sprinkler to the right x10 Merkin x 10 Flutter kicks x20 THE THANG Mosey to the Tombstone Hill for
Kardashian’s 2YA Was the BOMB(S)!
63 and clear. 20 pax showed up in the amphitheater for Kardashian’s F3 2nd anniversary Q. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP The THANG Warm-UP SSH x 20 IC Imperial Walkers x 15 IC Mosey to the South end of the park Through the tunnel x 10 Don Quixotes x 10 Mosey back to the flag Merkins x
Great morning for a jog
It’s hard to call it the gloom when it’s 60 and clear, but 17 pax showed up to put in some work either running or under a rucksack. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP A few stretches and a Ponzi (who NEVER showed) lap. THE THANG Run to the skate park, divide into
Elivis and a double Dora
22 pax welcomed YHC as an unknown guest q for a double Dora on tombstone hill on the hallowed grounds of Iron Horse. Little did we all know that we would welcome Elvis this morning too. I won’t say which pax was graced by the king of rock n roll,
Twenty-Ones with a Twist
TIME: 0530 WEATHER: Warm and Dry DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Motivator from 6 Merkin Don Quixote Little Baby Arm Circles/Arm Pretzels/Reverse Through the Tunnel Hillbilly Walkers Merkin Willie Mays Hayes Imperial Squat Walkers Indian Run to Burpee Cove, 10 Burpees and back to the circle THE THANG Today’s Thang was a variation on
Running or Rucking….Starting Right
An AO record 14 PAX rolled into The Hill for their choice of either some running or rucking fun. Slightly balmy morning but just right for optimal sweat. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP TTT – 10 IC WMH – 10 count R & L Jog a lap around the field stopping for
Spawn of HB Iron Horse Edition
June 19th, 2018 Weather – Warm and Muggy, with a large amount of SWASS Disclaimer 18 Pax: Twilight, Sleepy, Pythagoras, Joanna, Rite-Aid, Puff Daddy, Dean, Cold Call, Hee-Haw, Colonel, Penn-Seagal, Chum, Sidecar, ATM, Ponch, Swingline, Kardashian, YHC. COT/Prayer – YHC Warm Up – We got warm. The Thang LOG HILL
24 pax showed up at the park by 5:59 to watch YHC (24) round the corner on two wheels to start the Q on time and exactly 4 minutes after I rolled out of my fartsack. I have to thank the M sticking her foot in the middle of my
A Strong Arm DORA at Iron Horse
19 manly men post for a 65º arm day. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Through The Tunnel 10 IC Motivators from 7 Block Merkins 10 IC (w/ a 10 count plank hold on the last one) THE THANG Mosey to the field, and organize into teams of 4 or 5 for a