Weather 46 – Wet, but we missed the rain COP – Jar Jar Disclaimer Prayer Warm-up Merkins 15 IC (some chatter about VQ adrenaline, but wanted to make sure Donatello was happy from the start, less heckling that way) SSH 45 IC LBAC 15 IC (both ways) Imperial Walkers 15
Tag: Kardashian (R)
Bears, Crabs, BOMBS
Weather 55 – Rain eventually showed up COP – Kardashian Disclaimer Prayer Warm-up SSH 15 IC Don Quixotes 15 IC LBAC 15 IC (both ways) Mosey to other end of park Imperial Walkers 20 IC TTT 10 IC HW 15 IC Motivators (7) The THANG Crabs v Bears Count off (1-2).
Shouldering the weight of a 40 year birthday Q.
21 PAX came out this morning to help me celebrate turning 40. Weather: A unseasonably mild 40 degree, clear morning in East Tennessee Disclaimer Prayer COP Side Straddle Hop (40 IC) Little Baby Arm Circles (20 IC forwards, 20 IC backwards) Through the Tunnel (11 IC) Shoulder Pretzels (40 IC)
Get Up, Put In The Work, Overcome Obstacles, and Run!
15 strong and dedicated men showed up to put in some circuit work on a crisp, but windless, 29° morning. Disclaimer Prayer COP Through The Tunnel 10 IC Baby Arm Circles (Forward) 10 IC Side Straddle Hops 20 IC Baby Arms Circles (Back) 10 IC Windmills 10 IC Shoulder Pretzels
12 Moves of a Iron Horse Christmas Vol 2
15 PAX rolled out of bed for a Rudy VQ. Jester brought a heatwave back from AL for a balmy 40 degree morning. Those lucky enough to arrive 5 minutes early had the pleasure of enduring a warm-up burpee train to get the day started off right. Questions were asked
17 Pax posted in temperatures that apparently some people consider cold (30o). Nothing like a burpee train to get warmed up right before the workout begins. Apparently that’s the best way to pry a PAX out of the comfort of their car. Unless you’re one in particular that arrived suspiciously
The 12 Smokers of Christmas
Weather 37 – foggy COP – Kardashian Disclaimer Prayer Warm-up Good Morning 6 IC SSH 12 IC Don Quixotes 12 IC Imperial Walkers 12 IC LBAC 12 IC (each direction) Merkins 12 IC TTT 12 IC Mosey to steps and back to Amphitheatre The Thang In the spirit of 12
Jackfrost Light poles
A brave 15 souls came out for the 18° weather. Strange that we were missing our Canadian friends this morning, prob felt like fall to them. Jester and 2nd Amendments chose to show off their legs, while the remaining geniuses bundled up. COT Prayer Warm Up- SSH 25 (IC) TTT
Sticks and stones may break my bones but Rain will never hurt me!
When 12/6/16 Q: Chum, Bday and V Q The PAX: Betsy, Concussion, Honcho, Jar Jar, Slugger, Kardashian, Queen, Ponzi, Ambien, Chum, Sweaty Palms, Red Card, Penn-Seagal, Baby, Donatello, Sheldon, Beaker, Pedialyte, FNG = Training Wheels henceforth Time: 5:30 Weather: Temp 43° and rainy Disclaimer Circle of Prayer Warm-up Under the
Abvent and Birthdays
Time: 0700 Temp: 29F 21 PAX chose the red pill and showed up for the 2nd birthday Q of the week. Word on the street is that there’s another one next week. YHC signed up for the 12/3 Q to offer my 38th birthday beatdown. Then Donatello’s M asked if