10 Pax showed up despite Cold Call promising the Q would suck. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP WARMUP/Rd 1 Side straddle Hops x 10 IC HR Merkins x 9 IC Slow squat x8 IC Imperial Walker x7 IC 6 Burpees OYO Curls x5 IC Overhead Press x4 IC Lunges x3 OYO Captain
Tag: Moneypenny (R)
Shortcake VQ and the 7 of Diamonds
Disclaimer 14 PAX climbed out of bed early on a 68 degree morning. The reward? Diamonds. 7 of Diamonds. The Great Field is not exactly shaped like a diamond, but it would suffice. This was Shortcake’s VQ and YHC was honored to co-Q with him. Warm-up TTT IC 10 Merkins
New Twist on a Deck of Cards
9 PAX came out on a wet, gloomy morning to put in some work to end their week. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP SSH x 25 (IC) WMH R/L 10 count each Bat Wings- LBAC Forward and Reverse x 20, Seal Claps x 20, Overhead Claps x 20 Parking Lot lap and
Interval Training – Downtown Mile Prep
Temp was low 60’s. 21 PAX showed up for work, 9 IPCer’s (I think) and 12 runners. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP TTT IC x 10 Abe Vigoda IC x 10 Willie Mays Hayes for a 10 count Line up on the goal line for some dynamic warmups. All to the 15
The Search Party Tour for Candyland
Disclaimer 9 PAX rolled out of bed on a 66 degree morning, but we were supposed to have 10 PAX. Candyland was missing and he was the scheduled QIC. This led to a launch of a search party over downtown Johnson City led by YHC. The route would include 10
Tour De Suck: AMRAP
14 PAX took a brutal tour around the AO in the 63 degree autumn feeling gloom. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Motivator from 6 (record low for YHC) TTT x10 Imperial Walkers x15 THE THANG PAX followed YHC on a tour around the AO with a few pit stops. During these pit
Football Conditioning
The gloom was a little balmy on a high in the 60’s degree day with 17 PAX ready to put in some work. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP TTT – 10 IC WMH – 10 right then left Warm-up lap Dynamic warm-up on the field THE THANG Baseball may be off to
Lift Heavy and Run
12 Pax rolled out of bed and into the gloom at The Range. It was 66 degrees and 86% humidity. This was much nicer conditions than YHC had been in for the past week while visiting the Pax of F3 Hilton Head. YHC was excited to be home with the
Exorbitant Farmer Carry
13 PAX struggled well with an extra coupon in the muggy summer gloom. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Motivator from 6 TTT x10 Imperial Walker x20 LBAC x20 RLBAC X20 THE THANG PAX farmer carried two coupons up the hill and back down and completed exercises at four stations at the four
Track & Field Ladder
Pleasant Summer morning, high 60’s, perfect day for a run Q’d by Honeysuckle. 19 PAX (17 runners and 2 IPC – Jar Jar & Charmin) DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP We stretched and warm-ed up with a Ponzi lap (Ponzi never showed) then some dynamic warm-ups on the field. THE THANG Ladder: