A cool morning in the lower 50 degree range made for a perfect opportunity to listen to “The Distance” by Cake before the workout began. One Pax even thought it was warm enough to cool off in the nearby stream! DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP SSH X 25 IC Merkins X 10
Tag: Ponch
Dora Rides the Pickle Pounder Express
It was a cool 44 deg this morning, some of the PAX were stating that it felt a bit chilly. YHC new things were going to warm up quickly. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP SSH (30) IC TTT (10) IC LBAC (20) IC both Directions THE THANG 17 dudes decided to get
Get Back Up Again
17 PAX and 55° for a “get back up again” themed Q that introduces a new exercise, in honor of our Na’ntan, called the “All Day Merkin.” DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Merkins 10 IC Through The Tunnel 10 IC Side Straddle Hops 50 IC Stair Lap THE THANG The theme for
Burpees and Big Boys and Crawl Bears…..Oh My!
In the gloom under a sliver of the golden moon, met 11 men ready to pay the price, to start off this 43 degree day wasn’t it nice. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP The Motivator from seven was the way to start and everyone loved it they took it to heart. The
Posture of Receptivity
15 Pax showed up on Tues March 27 for the first workout at IronHorse of Holy Week to engage the body and also the mind, spirit, and emotions. DISCLAIMER Intro Today’s Q is designed to engage your body but also your mind, your emotions and your soul. The theme is
Hand Release Cardio Party-O
9 pax gathered at the Horse in the gloom and put in hard, hand release work this morning. YHC’s goal was for all PAX to look bulky just in case they were getting Glamour Shots today. Mission accomplished. Weather – 32 degrees, windy, clear Perfectly timed 0530 Burpee train!!
Soggy Stopwatch Fun
45 degrees and raining doesn’t stop the Iron Horse PAX from bringing it. 12 PAX descended to the AO for a soggy, merkin filled Q. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Merkin – 10 IC TTT – 10 IC LBAC – 10 IC LBAC Reverse – 10 IC Merkin – 10 IC WMH
Everyone Can Lead
17 Pax decides that the 32 degree temperature would not stop them from holding each other accountable. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP The Motivator from 7 THE THANG The Q had the Pax count around so everyone had a number. They were to remember their number, because that was the order they
Dancing in the Rain
16 PAX and 50º for an arts appreciation Q in the light and steady rain. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Merkins 10 IC Through the Tunnel 10 IC THE THANG Section 1: DANCE Note: In hindsight, I probably could have just done one dance but — I really wanted to get our
Blocks, we don’t need no stinkin’ blocks…
Weather: 43 and breezy. 12 Pax showed up in the gloom. A few of us wanted to prove that we don’t need blocks to have a smoker that works our upper body effectively, so YHC shocked the pax with only around 1.5 miles total distance. You won’t admit it, but