Great spring weather for an early morning post. 6 PAX showed up for work. YHC hadn’t Q’ed in so long remembering how to count SSH’s in cadence was impossible. Created some great chatter to start the post. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP SSH’s x 20 kind of IC Merkins x 10 IC
Tag: Spam
5 pax strung some pearls
5 pax arrived in the darkness on an unusually cool May morning despite the fact that YHC had the q. Some of us were just more on time than the rest. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP SSH, wmh, ttt, imperial walkers, Abe vigoda, lbac, merkins THE THANG Fairly standard string of pearls
Bring Back the Deck
Brisk morning in the upper 40s as 7 PAX, including an FNG, ventured to Arrowhead to put in some work. DISCLAIMER COP SSH IC x20 Imperial walkers IC x10 Mosey towards the playground, finishing the warmup along the way Through the Tunnel IC x10 LBAC IC x10 fwd/rev Seal Claps