Northeast Tennessee

Q #134

Northeast Tennessee Arrowhead (Indian Trail) Johnson City

8 Pax joined each other at the now extra safe AO of Arrowhead (someone fixed the 3rd light) on a blistering 268.706 Kelvin morning.


imperial walkers


sticky 🍑🦵

Life cycle arm circles

seal claps
YHC promised the PAX that they wouldn’t get the q they wanted but rather the one they needed.  Whether either occurred is up for debate, however I delivered a Q nonetheless.

Pax were instructed to pick a partner whether they liked them or not.  We were going to complete a series of exercises at various places around the AO. Jobs at one point asked if it was a string of pearls.  I’m not exactly sure, however I do know there was a sequence of events.  Station 1: P1 10 Pull-ups/P2 reverse crunch. Mosey to Station 2: P1 10 underdogs/P2 Barishnikov squats. Mosey to station 3 at mid point of hill. Station 3: Shoulder tap merkins/P2 run to bottom of hill. Mosey to station 4 by dugout. Station 4: P1 25 dips/P2 Mtn climbers. Mosey to pain cave for station 5. Station 5: P1 10 Derkins/P2 hollow hold. Mosey to tables for station 6. Station 6: P1 10 step ups per leg/P2 Mike Tysons.  All stations were done 2x each Partner.

Mary was modified to something i called cardio Mary

Same partners. P1 would perform an ab exercise while P2 would run to the far light pole and back and then switch out. Round 1: Freddy Mercurys. Round 2: Spoon Crunch. Round 3: H2H
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