It was a warm humid morning in gloom. 17 men showed up to get better. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Motivator x7 Squats x10 TTT x10 Mericans x10 Mosey around the block to the top of Tombstone Hill THE THANG Instructions were given for 21 Black Jack. Exercises: LBC and Mericans. Start
Category: Iron Horse (Founders Park)
“Don’t Be ALARMED”
Heavy rain. 16 pax. DISCLAIMER I am not a professional PRAYER Give us the strength to live this day… COP Motivators from 13. Baby arms 13 reverse 13 cherry pickers 13 reverse pickers 13 shoulder pretzels. 13 burpees on your own. THE THANG ALARM (with coupons) arms (bicep curls), legs
Xzibit Hates My Legs
15 Pax came out on a muggy Saturday morning not knowing what was about to happen to their legs. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP SSH x 15 LBAC Forward x10 LBAC Reverse x10 Mercans x10 Burpees x10 OYO THE THANG Squats x10 Jump squats x10 Jump knee tucks x10 Jumping lunges x10
Farewell my brothers. THANK YOU!
WEATHER – 61 no rain at the beginning then it turned into a mist or light drizzle DISCLAIMER PRAYER WARM UP SSH Roulette – 12 burpee penalty – IC -5 then silent to 21 – FAILED Imperial Squat Walkers – IC – 10 WMH – IC – 10 THE THANG
Gingerbread Man Circuit Workout
It was a beautiful 70 degrees with humidity this morning for 19 PAXs to engage in a workout that encompassed Legs, Arms, Core, and Cardio. DISCLAIMER PRAYER WARMUP I asked @Sugar to coQ this morning to make certain I make the correct statements, as well as, to honor him for
Do Your Best, Today (Rinse & Repeat)
23 PAX. 1 FNG. 69 degrees. DISCLAIMER PRAYER WARMUP Arm Circles 15 IC Arm Circles Reverse 15 IC Through The Tunnel 10 IC Motivators from 5 THE THANG Group into 2-5 man teams by speed/fitness so you can pace and push one another. We’re going to mosey a big lap,
Kardashian’s 3 Year Anniversary 76er
It was warm and humid and the field was wet as 26 Pax came out to help YHC celebrate 3 years with F3. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP WARMUP SSH X 38 IC TTT X 19 IC DQ X 19 IC Mosey (lap around park) Squats X 38 IC Plank Jacks X
Founding Fathers + Pinterest
YHC picked up the 4th of July Q at The Horse for a couple reasons: 1) The Murph wasn’t happening given some elbow issues that are exacerbated by pull-ups; and 2) I struggle with creativity and history knowledge, and a 4th of July Q requires both. 16 PAX put in
Everything but the Kitchen Sink & ABCDs
In the muggy, clear, 65° gloom of the morn, 30 PAX showed up to start their day off strong with another Iron Horse/Arrowhead Monthly Convergence. PRAYER COP Motivators from 7 TTT IC x10 Willie Mays Hayes, 10 ct. Both legs LBACs, IC x10, forwards & backwards Frankensteins IC x10 Merkins
Easiest BB in F3 NETN History
The scene changed, but the work remained the same. Only difference is EMOM included burpee over the block (parking curb), rather than burpee box jumps.