After a run heavy Baby Q (which was a real crowd pleaser) on Tuesday, YHC decided we’d stay put and play with some toys on Thursday. What kid doesn’t love blocks?—except we are building men, not toy houses. Disclaimer Prayer—Donatello The Thang: COP SSH (20 IC) TTT (10 IC) LBAC
Category: Iron Horse (Founders Park)
Four Corners, Four Rounds—Go!
15 men showed up at The Iron Horse to work the 4 corners. No time to stop and smell the roses in order to get all four laps completed. Conditions-72, Clear and Humid Disclaimer/Prayer-Baby The Thang SSHx15 IC TTTx15 IC Hillbillies x15 IC LBACx10 each way IC Lungesx10 each leg
The Donatello—Part Deuce
The day has finally arrived—we are on our own. We are grateful for all the F3 Regions who came up to get us launched. Much was learned and culture was built; now it’s time to put all we have learned into action. We got this thing rolling with a snotwaggler from
Baby was in the corner—the PAX paid the price
*Posted on behalf of Baby* 12 PAX showed up at the Iron Horse thinking they were going to get lessons to better their lead on the dance floor. Instead, they discovered Baby got backed into a corner and the only way out was to Crawl, Pull, Wheelbarrow, and Sprint. Conditions:
You Don’t Know Squat!
Disclaimer COP WARM UP · SSH x20 · High Knees x15 · SSH x20 · High Knees x15 Mosey to the Metal Thingy · TTTx10 · Merkins x10 · Plank Jacks x15 · Overhead Claps x20 · Baby arm Circles x10 (forward and reverse) Mosey back to the amphitheater ·
Q101…and intro to Tombstone Hill
10 @F3LakeMurray pax piled in #clowncars for a 24hour road trip west of Cumberland Gap to Johnson City…Tennessee (how many times has that been said before?) 21 men awaited us for Week Six (Q101) and the final week of @F3JohnsonCity launch. In the crowd of 21 were 4 FNGs along
Blackjack and Merlot
YHC has been totally overwhelmed with the effort of the PAX through wk 5 of our #leap. So for my VQ I wanted to reward them with doing only one real exercise… Weather: 67 deg 95% humidity…lovely The Thang Disclaimer, Warm-up SSH (IC) x20 TTT (IC) x15 Little arm circles
Pythagorus—Respect the Baby Bricks
Posted on behalf of Pythagorus—who reminded the JC PAX why math is not fun. JC hit a new weekday high, 12 PAX show up for a baby brick smoker. There was some SERIOUS mumble chatter this morning—Pythagorus handled it like a pro. Disclaimer Prayer Warmup Side Straddle Hop (20 IC) Windmills
Johnson City #snotwoggle
#F3Nation has made a successful #LEAP to Johnson City, TN 5 weeks ago. As part of the traditional #Expansion process, the first 6 weeks are led by existing F3PAX to help #giveitaway. Week 5 is the #snotwoggle designed to really give the newly formed PAX a taste of what a
Modified Merkin Mile: Take 1
As VQ, YHC sought to work some running into The Thang. Mission accomplished, with Merkins added just for fun. THE SCENE 76 and cloudy. Lots of water standing around the AO Welcome, Disclaimer, BOM (Rite Aid) THE THANG SSH x 20 (IC) Hillbillies x 20 (IC) Lunges x 10 each