20 PAX turned out in the humid gloom for an upper body blast DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP 30 SSH 10 TTT WMH – 10 sec each leg 20 IW 10 Merkins THE THANG PAX partnered up and went the long way around the AO to get to the playground. On the
Category: Johnson City
1776 and 20 Yards
A record 15 PAX found themselves at The Hill post-July 4th with a few days of hamburgers, hot dogs, and pie to burn. Muggy humidity and 67 degrees created ideal conditions for a good calorie burn. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP TTT – 10 IC WMH – 10 IC Warm-up lap Dynamic
Kardashian’s 3 Year Anniversary 76er
It was warm and humid and the field was wet as 26 Pax came out to help YHC celebrate 3 years with F3. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP WARMUP SSH X 38 IC TTT X 19 IC DQ X 19 IC Mosey (lap around park) Squats X 38 IC Plank Jacks X
6 Men – Proud and Strong
6 dedicated Pax attended today. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Since I went to the F3 site to learn some new exercises, we had show how to do some of the exercises during the warmup. THE THANG Run and BLIMP to the playground Once there we had 7 stations and had 2
Founding Fathers + Pinterest
YHC picked up the 4th of July Q at The Horse for a couple reasons: 1) The Murph wasn’t happening given some elbow issues that are exacerbated by pull-ups; and 2) I struggle with creativity and history knowledge, and a 4th of July Q requires both. 16 PAX put in
Swoll, Sweaty, Swift Saucer Skirmish
A perfect morning, 69 degrees, with plenty of humidity to gauge sweat production with our Dri-Fit Sweat Gauge Torso Covers. Only one hamstring turned into a veggie burger during the Ultimate Frisbee set…mine. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Our new daughter in law who is in PT school put us through a
Group Pain
Kinda muggy, high 60s, as 17 PAX including one FNG came for some work. The mugginess only got better when we were graced by the presence of Jester after a short hiatus. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Motivator IC from 7 TTT, WMH IC x10 Barishnikov squats IC x10 (remember those, toes
Everything but the Kitchen Sink & ABCDs
In the muggy, clear, 65° gloom of the morn, 30 PAX showed up to start their day off strong with another Iron Horse/Arrowhead Monthly Convergence. PRAYER COP Motivators from 7 TTT IC x10 Willie Mays Hayes, 10 ct. Both legs LBACs, IC x10, forwards & backwards Frankensteins IC x10 Merkins
27th Birthday Block Party!
11 PAX came out to The Range on a beautiful morning to help QIC celebrate his birthday with a VQ block party. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Motivators from 7 (with questionable QIC short support.) TTT x20 IC Squats x 15 Burpees x 10 LBCs x 15 THE THANG PAX mosied with
F3 Honorable sweat
Weather: Strikingly beautiful morning and 63 degrees 12 pax present DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Warm ups SSH IC x 25 Through the tunnel x 10 IC Side stretch x10 each side Imperial Walkers x 15 IC Merkins x 10 IC Hill Billy walkers x 15 IC THE THANG Indian Run to