Gloomy, 60’s, a brief shower to cool us down (welcomed by the 6 PAX that made the hard decision) QIC – Honeysuckle DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP TTT (IC) X 10 WMH X 10 count each side LBACs (IC) X 10 forward, then reverse Imperial Walkers (IC) X 15 No need for
Category: Johnson City
Sprints, Steps, and Stadium
9 PAX found themselves with a perfect 55 degree morning for Monday Runday. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP TTT – 10 IC WMH – 10 count each side LBAC – 10 IC LBAC Rev – 10 IC Warm-up lap to finish on the field High knees to the 10 and butt-kickers back
Where are we going now?!
Mid 60’s, overcast, and humid. 14 men showed up. 14 men got stronger. 14 men made it home. DISCLAIMER PRAYER Motivator from 10 (with a bonus second round of 7 just for fun. Or because Q forgot how to count…) Merkins IC x 12 Mosey to parking lot on other
Climbing the Ladder 5-55 Styles
16 strong in a muggy but a beautiful 69 degree morning DISCLAIMER – Ponch PRAYER – Ponch COP SSH IC x 20, TTT IC x 10, Imperial Walkers IC x 10, Little Baby Arm Circle’s Forward IC x 10 and Reverse IC x 10, Merkins IC x 10 and Stair
A Tribute To Turning 39
12 Pax present for my last b-day Q of my 30’s. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP SSH, TTT, LBAC, STAIRS LAB, MERKINS, WILLY MAYS HAYES, IMPERIAL WALKERS THE THANG Mosey to Hill- Rail Road Tracks up and down. Mosey to Field for a tribute to my new age. 39 Merkins>1 lap>39 squats>1
Destination Difficulty
A perfect morning for 17 pax, clear and 68 degrees. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP SSH X 30 IC Merkins X 10 IC High Knees X 25 IC Through the Tunnel X 10 IC Willie Mays Hays X 10 IC THE THANG When designing the Thang, I borrowed from a previous Pythagoras
Hot for Teacher goes to Slippery When Wet
Was a warm 68 degree morning. You could cut the humidity with a spork. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP SSH 30 IC TTT 10 IC LBAC 10 IC each dir THE THANG As a tribute to all of the teacher in the PAX, YHC decided to make a little lesson plan/ visual
Burpee PT Test at Iron Horse
11 PAX rolled into Founders Park on a perfect 63 degree morning to put their burpee skills to the test. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP TTT – 10 IC LBAC – 10 IC LBAC Rev – 10 IC WMH – 10sec count each way Merkin – 10 IC Mosey to the sundial.
Everyone, meet “Fat Amy”
16 pax worked out. HARD. DISCLAIMER COP Motivator from 11 (thanks, Queen!) LBAC x 10 IC f/r Inchworm x 5 OYO TTT x 10 IC Willy Mays Hayes x 10 Indian Run 1/2 mile. THE THANG I stole this directly from cross-fit. It seems more F3 than cross-fit, with the
Combos and Core Work
18 PAX descended on Arrowhead ready to put in some work on a perfect 64 degree morning. Typical mumblechatter ensued from the usual suspects. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP The customary Arrowhead Jester butt slap has become akin to the striking of the gavel in a courtroom calling the Q to order. TTT –