It wasn’t the stickiest of the icky, but it was sure close. Warm and humid. 4 PAX showed up to put in some work. Two who didn’t show tried to associate this Q with bacon, which doesn’t work if you weren’t there. DISCLAIMER COP SSH IC x20 TTT IC x10
Category: Johnson City
Moneypenny’s 2 Mile AO Tour Group
13 pax arrived at the Range for a cooler 68 degree morning but the humidity offset the temperature once the work began. A playlist of songs inspired by being on the move pushed pax from stop to stop. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Quick warm-up with 30 SSH IC to tip the
Block Party Near the Pavilion
2 Pax, 1 block, 1 sandbag, and a balmy July 5th morning. Crampon and I got to catch up while putting in some reps mixed in with a little running… Good work, bro! DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Supermans OYO SSH X 30 TTT X 10 WMH LBACs 10 front and back
When I say cardio, we’re doing cardio
8 pax arrived on their own free will in 200% humidity to do some prewarned cardio DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Ssh abe vigoda imperial walkers sbk ttt lbac merkins THE THANG Since YHC was on vacation last week and partook of some desserts and higher caloric drinks than normal, and presuming
Double Audible Impromtu Q
3 PAX showed up. Applebutter was on the calendar, but decided to post at Arrowhead and 3 Mile picked up the Q. However, he smartsacked this morning, thus a double audible was made. YHC came up with an impromptu Q with some help from Cold Call and Quicken. DISCLAIMER PRAYER
Titillating Tabata Time w/ SPAM
5 PAX came out on a slightly chilly June morning with the promise that we would play a little game. While visions of a garbage bag filled with play pit balls (not out of the question), they were delightfully surprised that YHC had a new app on his phone…and a
Baby Got Back
3 beastly PAX came out on a beautiful day to get some back and abs in to some killer tunes. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP While we listed to Baby Got Book (the clean alternative to the original) we did our LBAC, TTT, WMH, Stickey Butt Kickers, Bobby Hurley, Imperial Walkers
Round and Round After Epic Burpee Train
3 PAX showed up and showed out on a balmy June morning to put in some reps and encourage me to do much more than I would have on my own . We even had a Twilight sighting at dawn. Great work men!DISCLAIMERPRAYERCOPSSH x 25 TTT x 10 WMH Superman
AA Battery
6 PAX gathered at the amphitheater on pleasant 57 degree morning. With coupons in hand, they were ready to be powered by the AA Battery. Lots of mumblechatter ensued… DISCLAIMER PRAYER – Sugar Warm Up Hillbilly Walkers 10 IC TTT 10 IC LBAC forward 10 IC LBAC reverse 10 IC
An Un-bear-able situation
3 Pax and 1 missing QIC rolled into the Underground. The temps were quite cool compared to recent weeks. 54 degrees if my watch was correct. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP SSH – 10 IC IW – 10 IC LBACs – 10 IC (Front and back) Merkins – 5 IC THE THANG