7 Pax braved a colder morning for May. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Motivator from 8 TTT – 10 IC WMH – 10 count each side LBAC and Reverse LBAC – 10 IC THE THANG 6 Rounds of BLIMPS, with a lap around track after each round (total of 1.5 miles) B:
Category: Northeast Tennessee
5.12.20 Wilderness Rd
4 PAX for mumble chatter and a really good sunrise DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP 15x SSH IC 10x Squat IC 10x Merkin IC LBACs Mosey THE THANG 10min EMOM 10x deadlift 10x squat 10min EMOM 10x crunch 10x merkin Mosey, Wall Sits x 2 Mosey MARY 25x crunch 10x HTH 25x
Stroll down Pain Street
11 PAX arrived at Immortal Station for a much anticipated Snotwaggler. Postponed due to the COVID-19 suspension, this Q was the final “launch” Q for Immortal Station. It was a perfect 38 degree morning for optimal snot waggle. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP What else…Slaughter Starter – 20 burpees OYO TTT –
Getting back to it with small groups 5/7/20
Little chilly out for spring but 7 MEN showed up DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Little jog around the parking lot THE THANG We covered the basics and did a little of everything MARY in the workout CIRCLE OF TRUST PRAYER MOLESKIN No matter how you feel about the rona let them
Moneypenny’s 007 Tour of the Range
A brisk 47 degree morning welcomed 4 hearty pax to the Range on Friday, May 8. We celebrated YHC’s belated 50th birthday with a 007-inspired tour of the AO. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Motivator from 7 WMH 7 seconds each side. THE THANG “No Time to Die”: Pax moseyed to the
Sugar’s Block Party B-Day Bash
Disclaimer COP – Sugar 8 PAX came out on a cool 38 degree morning to celebrate YHC’s 50th Block Party B-Day Bash. All exercises started with the letter “B” and would include several trips around the block. Like excited children at a B-Day party, the PAX were ready to play.
Saturday Recovery
36 degrees with clear skies but a wet ground. 3 PAX gathered for an unassigned Q. So the AOQ felt a bit of a recovery workout was in order. Something to get us moving but not cause too much pain. (These are okay to do every now and then). DISCLAIMER
Interval Training with a side of Burpees
9 PAX rolled into Arrowhead on a rather brisk 35 degree morning ready to put in some work after a hiatus from weekday beat downs. YHC was determined to meet their expectations. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP TTT – 10 IC WMH – 10 count right then left Imperial Walker – 15
BOMBS without Partners
It was a nice warm morning when 9 Pax descended on Founder’s Park Amphitheater DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP The Motivator from 7 Mercans IC x 10 TTT IC x 10 Slow Squats IC x 10 THE THANG Mosey to Tombstone Hill No partner BOMBS 25 Burpees 50 Overhead Claps 75 Mercans
Luck of the Draw
8 PAX showed up in to 36 degree gloom thanks to the Bipolar Weather Disorder! DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP SSH (IC) X 20 Hill Billy Walkers (IC) X 15 TTT (IC) X 10 Willy May Hays (10 count each side) THE THANG Luck of the Draw with giant playing cards… Hearts