5 PAX came out on a chilly morning, with the occasional Felt Tip sighting running around us for a total of 6. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Motivators from 5 LBAC – IC LBCs – 15 OYO Merkins – 15 OYO 10 Burpees THE THANG PAX moseyed across the Range to four
Category: Northeast Tennessee
UNO Laps
First day that it’s a tad chilly. Roughly 60*. 9 PAX present with Little Debbie QIC. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Motivators from 8 (Mayfly conveniently showed up at the end.) Mountain Climbers 10 IC THE THANG Homage to Bopeep after he paid homage to me on Tuesday. Placed sandbags at four
Deck of Qs
It was a warm morning of 72 degrees when pax came out to do the Thang! DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP The Motivator from 7 Mericans 10 IC TTT 10 IC Squats 10 IC THE THANG Instructions were as follows: Everyone is leading exercises today. One at a time in clockwise order
5k Simplicity
Was a cool mid 50’s when 15 men did not fart sack. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP – SSH 20 IC TTT 10 IC LBAC 20 IC each direction THE THANG Set up two stations on either side of the Pavilion. 3 exercises each station. Begin at 1 Rep then mosey around
Burpee PT Test
Beautiful (but dark) cool morning for 19 PAX who answered the challenge to post at the #Arrowhead AO with a impromptu no claimed Q called out by Honeysuckle…. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP SSH (IC) X 20 Abe Vigoda (IC) X 10 TTT (IC) X 10 Slow squat (IC) X 10 LBACs
Week 3 IPC and More
It was a beautiful cool morning for a tough IRONPAX CHALLENGE WORKOUT! The PAX came ready and delivered an impressive amount of reps of the exercises for this week’s challenge. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP No time for a warmup due to the time required for the IPC. THE THANG The workout
Suicides and Stairs Part 2
It was a nice cool morning where 14 Pax came out to start their week the best way I know how. Cheeks, Homer, and Launchpad killed it on IPC! DISCLAIMER COP Warm up lap. TTTx15 WMH 10 secs on each side. Some dynamic stretching THE THANG Started from the goal
Priorities, Podcasts, and Pain
16 PAX, 67 degrees. DISCLAIMER PRAYER WARMUP Through The Tunnel 10 IC Little Baby Arm Circles 10 IC Little Baby Arm Circles 10 IC (reverse) THE THANG The “thang” this morning was to do cumulative group work based on some estimated averages per man x the # of men in
20 for a more efficient burpee workout
Despite YHC being on the Q 20 pax appeared out of the gloom for a modified revamp. DISCLAIMER All done in cadence SSHx 15 willy mays hays little baby arm circles x10 each direction hill billy walkers x10 slow merkin x10 windmill x10 THE THANG The pax willfully followed YHC
9-16-19 – I’m not creative
7 pax showed up in the gloom. Some even enjoyed the workout. Hatch was on the calendar, but didn’t make it. Chunk winged it. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP I made it up as I went… Nothing special THE THANG Circuit with 5 exercises and some sprints mixed in… completed 4 rounds…