Cool and Clear temp in the high 40’s. PAX was 100% Kingsport. We are trying on our Big Girl Panties and doing this on our own! DISCLAIMER PRAYER – Wilbur COP Side straddle Hops x 20 IC LBACs forward x 20 IC LBACs backward x 20 IC Merkins x 10
Category: Northeast Tennessee
B-Day Q + 1
16 PAX showed up to help YHC celebrate turning 33. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP The Circle of Pain is not the Circle of Warm Up. Slaughter Starter (20 Burpees OYO) 13 Burpees OYO (20+13=33 which happened to be the age YHC turned yesterday. Additionally, when YHC announced 13 Burpees OYO 2A
No running required when you can do 100 Burpees, 150 Merkins, and 200 lunges
DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Imperial Walkers x20 IC Little Baby Arm Circles – 20 IC Little Baby Arm Circles Reverse – 20 IC Cherry Pickers – 20 IC Global Warming – PAX in circle of pain. Hold Al Gore while slowly shuffling in a circle. Q shouts excercise. Alternate shuffle directions.
Do you feel lucky?
A perfect 59 degrees for 24 PAX to put in some work and go toe-to-toe in a burpee showdown. Glory had to bow out of the Q due to his full contact volleyball injury which left QIC little time to plan. Jobs 4/1 deck of death beat down from Saturday inspired
VQ – Trolley – Burn Bobby Burn
65F, No rain in forever and the sun never came up (9 Total) DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Through the Tunnel (10 Count IC) Short Jog 6 Min Warm Up (3 rounds 30 sec each) Side Straddle Hop / Merkin / Bobby Hurley / Mountain Climbers THE THANG Walking Lunges to Stretch
Iron Horse on ALARM
18 men set feet to the floor and decided to shake off the things that would hold them back. They set to work in perfect Fall morning conditions.. DISCLAIMER – as everyone was about to learn first hand, I am NOT a professional. PRAYER COP The warmup started with the
Dora, DORA, you ok!?!?
Weather – 55 degrees DISCLAIMER PRAYER WARM UP Motivators – IC – 7 Arm Pretzels – IC – 15 Merkins – IC – 10 LBAC – IC -15 Kept arms up to continue right to picking cherries and dropping them in the bucket arms still up right into in rev
The hills are alive with the sound of Burpees!
DATE: 9/23/2017 TIME: 0700 TEMP: 65F DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP SSH x40 IC Imperial Squat Walkers x20IC Peter Parkers x20IC Merkins x15IC LBC (3 count hold) x20IC Squat Jumps x15IC THE THANG Indian Run x2 Laps Motivators from 7 Jacobs Ladder up to 8 Burpees Motivators from 7 Indian Run x2
Hillacious Run Group
YHC picked up the run group VQ on run group eve. I figured we’d run. Rudy, Ponzi and the run group OGs usually bring fancy stuff that involves props, elevators, sphinxes and the like. Makes me nervous. I just brought sneakers and mapmyrun. Eight PAX are better for it. Weather:
The Honcho and Rudy Show
DISCLAIMER PRAYER – Donatello interruption #1 COP With the slight interruption of a train, we had an unplanned slaughtered starter.. Burpee Train AMRAP LBAC 20 IC Cherry pickers Reverse LBAC 20 IC TTT 15 IC THE THANG Split into 2 groups 1st group goes with Rudy to Tombstone Hill 2nd