12 PAX braved the perfect weather despite Applebutter’s assumption that Ida would be making an appearance. The Q was caught a bit by surprise when he realized he was…… in fact…. responsible for the days activities. We were paid a visit by our name sake and had a couple long
Category: Northeast Tennessee
Only at Arrowhead
73 degrees on a fine morning as 11 PAX made their way to Arrowhead for an experience that would later be called a “good Q”. When the words slaughtivator, sticky butt kickers and octamerkins are used, you know it’s an Arrowhead thing. DISCLAIMER COP LBAC IC x10 fwd/rev Seal claps
The Track is Back Jack!
69*, 88% Humidity, S Wind at 3.3 mph aka great day for 9 dudes to get some laps in around the track that had been closed for 3 weeks so new turf could be put down for the SHHS soccer teams and SHHS football team (eventually) get to enjoy. DISCLAIMER
AA Battery
7 PAX gathered at the amphitheater on 70-degree muggy morning for AA Battery – working abs and arms. DISCLAIMER / PRAYER – Sugar WARM UP TTT 10 IC LBAC forward 10 IC LBAC reverse 10 IC Overhead claps 10 IC Chinooks 10 IC Slow monkeyhumpers 10 IC Merkins 10 IC THE
Everything but the Kitchen Sink – Encore
6 PAX showed up on time and started with SSH while waiting on the Q and 2.0 to arrive. Pleasant muggy morning. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP 20 SSH while waiting on the Q – Imperial Walker- Hillbilly Walker- WMH – Sticky Butt Kickers- 20 Merkins OYO THE THANG The PAX attempted
It’s not yet Fall, Ya’ll
YHC thought he felt a chill in the air, by the end of the morning he knew he was wrong.DISCLAIMERPRAYERCOP10 Burpees to start, SSH’s and some slow streches.THE THANGMosey to cemetery hill, 11’s with ‘Merkins and BBSU’s, Bernie Sanders halfway up the hill. Once finished, back to the amphitheater for
Tabata Tour
3 PAX rolled out on a beautiful Monday morning. DISCLAIMERPRAYERCOPWMH L/R LBAC x 10 Arm stretches Hillbilly Walkers x 10 THE THANGTabata Tour around the AO- 4 minutes each- 10 sec rest/20 sec exercise 1/10 sec rest/ 20 sec exercise 2 x 4 Rows/Curls Dead hangs/squats Dips/SSH Mike Tysons/Outlaws Overhead press/overhead triceps
#Arrowhead = Run Club
Three of the beastliest of the beastly arrowhead PAX gathered on a cool clear muggy morning to rack up some miles. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP LBAC x10 (reverse) – Hillbilly Walkers x10 – Imperial Walkers x10 – TTT x5 – Sticky Butt Kickers x5 THE THANG Start with 15 Merkins, 50
Breakfast for Dinner
Breakfast for dinner, Mary for the Thang. It was a dewy morning and 9 PAX got up early to put in some work. Cones on the field prompted immediately mumble chatter of the lack of desire to roll around in the grass. But it wasn’t so bad… DISCLAIMER COP Inchworms
Completely Different than Tuesday
7 Pax rolled in for the Thursday show, which was completely different than the Tuesday show. Burpee Train DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Motivators from 7 THE THANG Mosey to Tombstone Hill 11’s, Overhead Press at the bottom and Little Baby Crunches at the top Wild Wing Lap 20 Derkins 20 Block