Holy cow what a perfect morning to absolutely destroy our legs. I mean seriously!!! temps near 50, not too much humidity, slight breeze. 5 PAX with something to prove laid it out this morning. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP SSH X 10 IC WillyMH- 10 count each side Slow Squat x 7
Category: Northeast Tennessee
Over the mulch
It was a chilly 55°. 8 pax join the fun realizing that a giant mound of playground mulch was dumped not too long ago that has yet to be spread.DISCLAIMER COP Soccer-style step ups on the block ICx10 TTT ICx10 Sumo squat x 10ct Sticky butt kicks ICx10 LBAC x10
Celebrate with burpees
15 pax showed up for a cool summer morning workout DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Motivator from 4 (alot better than 10) Through the tunnel to 8 (cadence was questionable) THE THANG Mosied to SH football field for a burpee celebration. Start on goal line jog to 20 yard line – 2
WEEK 3 Who’s NEXT Challenge Titan’s Curse
5 Pax, humidity 96% (Temperature doesn’t really matter when the humidity is so high, but let’s say it was about 68 degrees) DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Merkins – 10 IC LBACs – 10 IC Forward and Reverse Merkins – 5 IC THE THANG Titan’s Curse: 1/4 mile 10 Monkey Humpers 20
10, 20, 30 Problems
What a beautiful morning to suffer some upper body punishment with a visit from a much missed IH vet. Hope to see more and more of you again Whoopi. I promise to do more than 10 things during COP next time. DISCLAIMER PRAYER Keep us free from injury and bless
Titan Challenge Round 2 #ironhorse
Disclaimer COP – Sugar 4 PAX on a sticky, humid 70 degree morning for Titan Challenge Round 2. This one was so bad that the mubble chatter was equal to the sweat that was poured. Warm-up Mosey to the field LBAC forward IC x 10 LBAC reverse IC x 10
Dodecahedron Strikes Again
It was misty and wet. Temperatures in the 60s with a humidity that catches up to you in about 10 minutes. Five PAX posted for YHC’s 60th Q. DISCLAIMER COP Motivator from 6 Abe Vigoda IC x10 Sticky Butt Kicks IC x10 (That’s what I’m calling them. While standing do
7 for a grand AO tour
7 pax emerged from the fog this morning to do some stuff. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP SSH, Abe vigoda, imperial walkers, ttt, slow squat, merkins THE THANG YHC was inspired by the one and only Jobs for today’s iteration of the workout Pax mosey to the road on the side
Parking Spaces Suck
7 PAX arrived at the AO on this slightly humid late spring gloom. It was nice to see some sunlight at the beginning of the beatdown. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Bridge lap TTT – IC x 10 WMH – 10ct each side Sprinkler – IC x 10 Mountain Man Pooper (for
A Little Bit of Mercy Mile
9 Pax came out on a beautiful cool 60 degree morning including 2 FNG and 1 who has not been here in a while. Welcome FNG Gallagher and Risky Biscuit! DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP LBC, Imperial Walkers, Hillbilly Walkers, Chanook, Slow Squat THE THANG There were two options available, Ghostrider’s choice