8 PAX. 60 degrees. muggy. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP 10 Inchworms OYO THE THANG 1. 10 Minute EMOM (10 Merkins, 10 Squats, 10 V-Ups) 2. Fat Amy WOD Down and Up the ladder.Between each exercise, 5 Hand Release Merkins 50 Squats 40 V-Ups 30 Lunges 20 Thrusters 10 BBSU 3. 21
Tag: Candyland
How Many DORAs?
13 pax answered that question this morning. And the answer is somewhere around two. Weather – 60 degrees and dry DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP SSH x 20IC HWs x 20IC IWs x 20IC Mountain Climbers x 20IC Merkin x 10IC Plank x 1 minute Mosey to top tiered lot THE THANG
Everest and 21s
18 PAX including FNG Herb DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Slaughter Starter THE THANG Mosey to Tombstone Hill. -Everest Up, Bear Crawl Down x2 21s. -1 Hand Release Burpee, run to top, 20 Squats MARY Wave of Merkins. Made it to 6 before time was called. CIRCLE OF TRUST PRAYER MOLESKIN ANNOUNCEMENTS
OH stands for Overhead
17 PAX including FNG Priscilla showed up to get better. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP 20 Burpees OYO THE THANG 5 Minute AMRAP 7 Merkins, 7 Derkins, 7 Dips Mosey with Coupon to Tombstone Hill Complete first exercise on the list. Run to top of Hill for 10 BBSU. Run to bottom
Bridge Laps and Ladder
18 PAX left the comfort of the fartsack to put in the work. 52 degrees. Rain held off. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP 10 Burpees OYO TTT x10 5 Burpees OYO Bridge Lap THE THANG 5 Bonnie Blairs (2:1) 10 Burpees 20 CPRs 30 KBS 40 Merkins 50 BBSU 60 Curls 70
Deck O’Cards
13 pax came on a cool morning in the gloom to get better. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Run to the amphitheater Merkins Lunges And a few other warm up exercises. THE THANG A deck of waterproof cards were brought out. Hearts represents burpees Diamonds represents Mercans Clubs represents Freddie Mercuries Spades
F350 Cardio Burner
DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Due to the nature of the workout, the warm-up was quite simple 10 X TTT 10 X WMH THE THANG This was a carido intense workout called F350. It was meant to push each PAX to their limit. The goal was to do as many rounds as
20 4 20
20 Pax joined together in the blustery 20 degree weather. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP SSH IC (20) Squats IC (20) LBAC (20) each direction THE THANG 2 stations are set up. 1 at the Pavilion the other at the Bike Rack. Begin with said exercise with a Qty of 5 Reps,
Chatter and Work
Saturday Jan 18th The weather was perfect for work, the Ice held off, the number of pax was 17 DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Motivators from 8, LBAC, WMH, TTT. Carry your blocks to Girls Inc. hill. THE THANG Teams of 2, 1 ran to the top of the hill while the
PC Squatblock – Confused yet?
Thursday Jan 9th The weather was perfect for work, the number of pax was 14 DISCLAIMERPRAYERCOPMotivators from 8, LBAC, WMH, TTT. Double Applesauce (2 line indian run around the block), Cluck went down at the end and walked it off. Thankful he didn’t break his ankle.THE THANGTeams of 4 split into