It was a beautiful 70 degrees with humidity this morning for 19 PAXs to engage in a workout that encompassed Legs, Arms, Core, and Cardio. DISCLAIMER PRAYER WARMUP I asked @Sugar to coQ this morning to make certain I make the correct statements, as well as, to honor him for
Tag: Cluck (R)
Kardashian’s 3 Year Anniversary 76er
It was warm and humid and the field was wet as 26 Pax came out to help YHC celebrate 3 years with F3. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP WARMUP SSH X 38 IC TTT X 19 IC DQ X 19 IC Mosey (lap around park) Squats X 38 IC Plank Jacks X
Roll for cats
15 pax showed up just in Rome for a wall of rain, which slowed to a murmur for the duration DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Arm circles, merkins, slow squats. We then moseyed to the hill with plastic cat liter bins, full of water. The 20 sided dice were broke out and
Reverse Dora
It was a cool 58 degrees in the gloom. 23 Pax took the Daily Red Pill to do something to improve themselves. YHC would pass the shovel flag by the end of the workout. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP The Motivator from 7 TTT IC x10 IW IC x15 Slow Squats IC
Rocky VII
18 PAX came out in the gloom to enjoy the clear 57 degree weather. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Motivator from 7 TTT WMH LBACs Merkins THE THANG A knock-down, drag-out between block vs. no-block. PAX completed a block exercise, then ducked and weaved one at a time under a tight line
Mini Convergence
34 Arrowhead and Ironhorse Pax including 2 FNG’s came togehter for the first miniconvergence of the two AO’s planned for the last Saturday of each month. Cold Call and Honeysuckle took the lead for the co-q to kick things off. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP SSH x15 IC TTT x10 IC LBAC
Q School Murph Training Mashup at IH
20 PAX strong for some Murph prep work along with a crash course in F3 and Q school fundamentals. 2 FNG’s (Cheeks and Pam) and huge T-claps to @Twilight for busting out a Star Course 50 miler this weekend and posting hard two days later for boot camp! DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP
Happy Burpee Day
Two ironic events occurred this morning foreshadowing YHC’s belated birthday beatdown – the temperature outside was a cool 49 degrees and your YHC turned 49 years old last week. The second was a raccoon sighting immediately after our warm up during the mosey run over the Great Field on our
The Return of the Pole!
17 PAX. 2 FNG’s. 50 degrees. DISCLAIMER PRAYER WARMUP Shoulder Rolls 10 OYO Neck Rolls 10 OYO Overhead Arm, Back Stretches Arm Circles 10 IC Arm Circles Reverse 10 IC Through The Tunnel 10 IC Mosey to the field. Bring your blocks. THE THANG Split into teams of 4, 5,
Deep Dish Loves Double D’s
22 PAX. 46 degrees. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Merkins 20 IC Through The Tunnel 10 IC Arm Circles 16 IC Arm Circles Reverse 16 IC Quick mosey to the field. THE THANG Two-Man Line-Drill DORA 500 One man works as defined below, while the other runs a line drill (out and