When: 08/01/2017 QIC: Brownie The PAX: 2nd Amendment, Shepherd, Refill, Chum, Jimmy Neutron, Hoarders, Red Card, Donatello, Rite Aid, Kardashian, Road Block, Cold Call, and Brownie. Weather: Warm, 66 degrees F COP – Brownie Disclaimer Warmup Merkins x10 OYO Hillbilly Walkers x20 IC Merkins x8 OYO Pickle Pounders x20 IC Merkins x6 OYO
Tag: Kardashian (R)
Over “the Hill”
9 PAX came out for a beautiful, cool morning workout at The Hill. Temperature during the workout was 56 degrees Fahrenheit. DISCLAIMER – Jobs PRAYER – Jobs COP Warmup 15 Through the Tunnel – Mosey to Skateboard park THE THANG Suicides up long hill next to Skateboard park (with mericans)
How much pain’s in a circle of pain?
YHC’s been thinking about ramping up the COP to make it a little more painful. Seems like the COP’s been getting treated as a time for stretching and getting ready for the Thang. Today, 19 out of 19 PAX agreed that the COP was painful. Weather: High 60s, low humidity,
Just Keep Moving
21 °C., 99% Humidity, Still/Calm air, Gloomy 12 PAX. T-Claps to Kardashian who came and left early even though he’s flying out to higher training altitudes this morning. As I turn 60 in a month, I realize how important it is to keep moving. I tried out this workout a
Pax, Pepsi Hill; Pepsi Hill, Pax. The start of a beautiful friendship.
12 Pax dragged themselves through the gloom to the track this morning the YHC’s first Q at The Hill. DISCLAIMER – Kardashian PRAYER – Kardashian COP Warmup Motivator X5 TTT X 15 DQ X 10 THE THANG Mosey a lap Along sideline – 20 yards each Butt kickers High knees
Kilo 5K (Almost) Reload
Weather: 75 and ideal conditions for maximum sweat 27 PAX descended on Iron Horse for a reload of the fan favorite Kilo 5k. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Warm-up SSH – 15 IC TTT – 10 IC LBAC – 10 IC LBAC Reverse – 10 IC THE THANG 2 cones were setup
July 20th
It was a daaaaaaark and pleasant morning. The nice weather and circumstances brought out 3 friends from IronValley. Good to see Escape Hatch, DocOck and Squidward DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Through the tunnel x11, Abe Vigoda x11,Mumble chatter from 3 PAX, Merkins x20, Sidestraddle Hop x20, Mumble chatter x4 people, thus
I am not alone on the Hill
Conditions: 66 Degrees, Clear, Bit Warm Welcome/Disclaimer Prayer – Roadblock Warm Up Side Straddle Hop x 15 Abe Vigoda x 15 Through the Tunnel x 15 Mosey to Boone Hill The Thang Blackjack up Boone’s Hill Pax Choice Big Boy Sit-ups or Little Baby Crunches then to the top with
Snakes, Stairs, and Sprints
QIC: Rudy Weather was 60 and perfect for some HIIT 7 PAX brought it to the Hill for a cardio beat-down that is simple yet oh so effective. Warm-up Stretch it out and 1 lap around the track The Thang Round 1 – The Snake Everyone enjoyed the
Let’s do a few Merkins
With the July Merkin challenge in full swing, 25 PAX were assured they would meet their totals today during the workout—without a single set with more than 10 reps. Disclaimer Prayer COT Merkins (5 OYO) SSH (20 IC) LBAC (10 IC) Squats (10 IC) TTT (10 IC) IW (10 IC)