Conditions: At start, upper 30s, pink sky, and a rainbow. At the end, clouds and rain Disclaimer Prayer The THANG SIDE STRADDLE HOP – IC 20 LITTLE BABY ARM CIRCLES – IC 15 FRONT, 15 BACK WINDMILLS- IC 15 EMPERIAL WALKERS – IC 15 RUN IN PLACE – HIGH KNEES
Tag: Kardashian (R)
No Gloves, No Problem
Time: 0530 Temp: 36 deg F Air Quality: Ah who cares? It’s worse in LA. COT DISCLAIMER WARM-UP SSH x40 (IC) – Honoring Donatello’s upcoming B-DAY Merkins x10 (IC) LBAC x20 (IC) Michael Phelps LBAC x20 (Rev IC) Michael Phelps Squats x10 (IC) Lunges x10 (IC) Windmills x 10 (IC)
Merkins & Squats—What else do you need?
Another Tuesday and another record turnout—25 pax brave the cold temps. The Pax were particularly chatty this morning, but were dismayed to find out YHC had a smoker planned. Conditions—COLD No worries, I hear a train coming. Quick Disclaimer right before the train rolls by—burpees. Luckily for the Pax, it
Rollin some dice and nice bag of tricks!!
It was a brisk 37 this morning, with a PAX of 12( 1 FNG). The YHC went straight to business as there was a little too much chatter. COT Prayer SSH( IC 25) TTT( IC 15) BAC (IC 10) Shoulder Pretzel (IC 15) SSH (IC 15) Mosey to the amphitheater
2:00×20 AMRAP Circuit
It was a brisk 36° this morning, but we shook off the chill pretty quickly with some hard work. Special shout-out to 2nd Amendment for his enthusiastic counting. If there was such a thing as a man crush Thursday, he’s mine. Disclaimer Prayer COP Through The Tunnel (20 IC) Baby Arm
Burpee Train to top off the Bday Q
Weather: 40 degrees (quite appropriate for YHC’s bday Q) COP Disclaimer BOM/Prayer Warm-up: all IC SSHx20 Merkins x10 IW x20 Willy Mays Hays x 10 SSHx20 IWx20 TTTx10 Merkinsx10 The Thang: YHC, wanted to do one of his fav’s for his bday Q, so I ordered up some blackjack. Before
A Legtastic Day to Get Motivated!
The chilliest morning yet (that YHC has posted for) didn’t scare 19 Pax away. YHC was thankful to be the Q for the day, otherwise YHC would have been fartsacking. YHC knew that 8 Pax would double down and immediately conduct a 5k ruck, so YHC graciously planned a Q
No More Curse
Today’s workout was dedicated to celebrating the Cubbies and honoring their long-suffering fans. Fittingly, some of the Pax and (especially) Q Slugger showed up bleary-eyed after a long night of awaiting the outcome of the Greatest World Series Game Ever.™ Nothing like an early morning workout to shake those cobwebs
Post-Halloween Variety Show
YHC thought a little fun after a night of trick or treating was in order, so we had a Halloween party /Variety Show (or whatever you want to call it) with music, frights, and candy. Disclaimer Prayer COP SSH x15 IC TTT x10 IC DQ x10 IC IW x10 IC
Beep Beep
The plan for today was simple—let the Pax set a baseline. We have been at it for several months now. Guys are getting stronger and fitter, but the workouts are also getting harder. It can be difficult to get a sense of how much progress is being made without some