15 PAX unsacked their arse to workout in a nice, muggy 70 degrees morning. DISCLAIMER Motivator from 5 Little baby arm circles (IC) 10 through the tunnel (IC) -10 WMH – 10 count hold to each side mosey a lap THE THANG 2 Rounds 2 minutes of work/30 seconds Side
Tag: Launchpad
Muster Rd 2
14 PAX, 62 degrees. Welcome back Micky Mouse! DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Stair lap + beer lap Little baby arm circles(IC) 20 THE THANG 2 Rounds 2 minutes of work/30 seconds Side straddle hops/30 sec rest Sit-ups burpees Flutter kicks Squats/Jump squats Merkins/hand release merkins Lunges/jumping lunges MARY CIRCLE OF TRUST
65 degrees. 14 PAX(1 FNG) Work was done. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Mosey up the hill to parking lot by gym. Motivator from 5 Little baby arm circles(IC) for 20. Forward then reverse WMH 10 count hold to each side THE THANG 2 Rounds 2 minutes of work/30 seconds Side straddle
45 degrees. A light sprinkle. Perfect conditions for a workout DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Motivator from 10 LBAC (IC) forward 20 reverse 20 THE THANG WOD 1 – 15 minute EMOM MIN 1 block swings-20 min 2 Merkins-15 min 3 burpees-10 R&R x 5 Mosey to skate park for WOD 2
Plan B
4 PAX came out in a cold, snow covered and icy arrowhead for a good workout. YHC decided to abort original Q for safety reasons and rolled to plan b. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP motivator from 10 – because Jobs wanted 10 WMH 10 count to each side little baby arm
40 Practices
11 Pax showed up on a balmy Ash Wednesday for the first Range Q at 5:15 instead of the old 5:30 start time. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP WarmUp 40 SSH (20 IC) 39 Imperial Walkers (19 IC + 1) 38 LBA Circles (19 IC F & B) 37 Slow Squat (18
Maybe No Running
At 44 degrees and no rain, 12 Pax join YHC in a meandering, make it up on the spot Q. There were also three ruckers wandering around getting some miles. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP The Motivator from 7 Imperial Walkers 15 IC Mericans 10 IC Slow Squats 10 IC LBAC 20
Ascending AMRAPs
15 Pax came out for my AMRAP Q. It was in the 40s but we warmed up fast! DISCLAIMER COP Stair lap SSHx20 TTTx10 LBACs x10 forward LBACs x10 Backwards 2 BOPOs OYO THE THANG Pax partnered up for some AMRAPS. Each exercise was AMRAP for 5 minutes. First Pax
Valentine’s “Fun”
12 Pax came out in the cold gloom to get stronger and better. Glad to see so many come out for my Q. DISCLAIMER COP Mosey to the stairs parking lot Burpee broad jump down 5 times and back 5 times SSHx20 TTTx10 THE THANG We spelled Valentine’s Day. Pax
Launchpad’s Birthday Q
12 PAX didn’t let the 27 degree temperatures stop them from celebrating YHC’s birthday Q DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP THE THANG Mosey to Farmers Market parking lot. Slaughter Starter. PAX partnered up and bear brawled halfway down the Farmer’s Market parking lot. 1 PAX bear crawled while partner applied resistance to