Several runners and ruckers showed up to the track for a coolish run/walk DISCLAIMER PRAYER THE THANG Get into groups of three 1 – run the bleachers 2 – 5 yeard serpentine run on the field (sprint toward home stands, mosey to visitors) 3 – run track at desired pace
Author: Kardashian
Dora’s Not-So-Sweet Sister
14 pax met in the near perfect conditions and led through negative stiumuli to learn to avoid Halloween Candy. DISCLAIMERPRAYERCOP SSH X 25 IC TTT X 10 IC IW X 15 IC BURPEE TRAIN!! THE THANGPax ran the long way around the Tri-Block to Tombstone for a Fun-Sized workout. In
Read a Book Day
13 pax showed in the muggy gloom to learn how to read. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Tubthumping: SSH + Burpees Flower: Curls and Overheads THE THANG Hop on Pop has pages marked. Roll the die, turn to that page, and select a word, do the exercises, then stair lap. MARY Roxanne:
Let’s Play Ball
6 pax rolled in for a little friendly competition under a bright full moon and mid 40s. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP SSH X 10 TTT X10 LBAC X10 <> OHC X 10 Shoulder Pretzels X10 Seal Claps X10 IW X10 Merkins X10 THE THANG Pax ran around the school to find
Late BDay Q
9 pax rolled in for a little friendly competition under a bright full moon that still didn’t light up the AO. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP SSH X 27 LBAC X10 <> OHC X 10 Shoulder Pretzels X10 Seal Claps X10 Slow Squats X 10 Merkins X10 THE THANG Pax ran around
Dora: The Musical
A clear cool morning allowed for 8 pax to learn about extended remixes. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Danger Zone, Kenny Loggins: SSH until you hear the words “Danger Zone”; then a burpee for a total of about 21. Flower, Moby Up and Down as instructed – 1/2 the song: Squats; 1/2
Jester’s Oh Crap
8 Pax showed in the cool, clear Not So Gloomy Gloom to put in some work. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP SSH X 20 IC LBAC X15 <> Alt Balancing on one leg IW X 15 IC TTT X 10 IC Merkins X 10 IC THE THANG This is a recycled workout
Slow Spellers
5 pax showed up in the balmy 39 for a game of Boggle DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP SSH X 20 IC TTT X 10 IC WMH 10 <> LBAC X 10 <> IC IW X 10 IC Merkins X 10 IC THE THANG YHC attempted to give the pax what they
Pactolas Repeats
6 Runners braved the frosty 20ish degrees and potential black ice. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Let’s go THE THANG Run VIA Skateboard Hill to Pactolas Hill. Start at corner of LB Blvd and Pactolas. Run to Monringside and back to 2nd light, then 3rd. Continue ladder to end. CIRCLE OF TRUST
Downtown Tour
10 pax showed in the not to gloomy gloom. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP SSH X10 IC TTT X10 IC LBAC X10 IC<> Legs up Shoulder Pretzels X10 IC Seal Claps X10 IC IW X 10 IC Merkins X10 IC THE THANG Mosey to King Commons Christmas Tree, partner up. 1 –