When: 07/13/2017 QIC: Brownie The PAX: 2nd Amendment, Ambien, Jimmy Neutron, Depends, Cold Call, Peanut, Penn-Seagal, Road Block, Refill, Shepherd, Rite Aid, and Brownie. Weather: Beautiful, 71 degrees F COP – Brownie Disclaimer Warmup Merkins x10 OYO Squats x20 OYO Merkins x8 OYO Dips x20 OYO Merkins x6 OYO LBC’s
Category: Iron Horse (Founders Park)
Big Sexy is back!
11 PAX brought the sexy back to Iron Horse, on a cool July morning. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Through The Tunnel 10 IC Side Straddle Hops 30 IC Abe Vigodas 10 IC Shoulder Pretzels 20 IC Merkins 10 IC THE THANG Mosey to mid-field, and plank on the sidewalk for the
Let’s do a few Merkins
With the July Merkin challenge in full swing, 25 PAX were assured they would meet their totals today during the workout—without a single set with more than 10 reps. Disclaimer Prayer COT Merkins (5 OYO) SSH (20 IC) LBAC (10 IC) Squats (10 IC) TTT (10 IC) IW (10 IC)
BOMBS: Squad Goals
Conditions: 68 and clammy 7 pax get up and help YHC celebrate a one year anniversary and a slighlty modified version of the July 5, 2016 Escape Hatch Q (which had me thinking I wouldn’t return). Disclaimer – Kardashian Prayer – Kardashian Warmup: Motivators X 7 IC (Welcome Singlet’s newest
Merkins with a bit of Frisbee
28 Pax un-ass the sack for an Independence Day celebration of sorts. With an extra 30 minutes of sleep, YHC decided to wake the PAX up with some fun, before the “Fun.” Disclaimer Prayer COP SSH -> Just kidding -> Merkins, because this is America (10 IC) SSH (10 IC)
‘Merkin Mania, Hidden Trails, and Surprise Tokens!
Conditions: Mostly sunny, 70 degrees, and 95% humidity made for a wet, hot American Workout 23 PAX took a little trip across town and put in some work. After seeing a challenge posted on Twitter about hitting 10,000 ‘Merkins in the month of July, QIC scraped the sheet and added
Don’t Stop! Move it! Move it!
TIME: 0530 TEMP: 67 COP Disclaimer Prayer WARMUP SSH x30IC Merkin x15IC Freddie Mercury x15IC Peter Parkers x15IC Carolina Dry Docks x15IC LBAC x20IC (And Rev) Squat Jumps x15IC (3 count hold) THE THANG First Circuit Run one lap and SSH on the six Iron Mikes x10 oyo Burpee x10
F3 workouts can be like a box of chocolates
A perfect 62 and clear morning with some dew on the Ironhorse grass. 10 PAX posted at Ironhorse to partake in some Forest Gump themed exercises. YHC likes Forest Gump and he wanted to remind PAX of the simple pleasures and quotes from an American classic. Disclaimer Prayer Warmup; Groin
Do you want some mustard for those pretzels?
Weather: Breezy, 57 degrees F COP Disclaimer Warmup We skipped the warmup this morning! The Thang Tabata. 1 minute of work followed by 10 seconds of rest/transition. We completed ALMOST 4 rounds of the following (all AMRAP): -Merkins -Squats -Dips -LBC’s -LBAC’s (forwards) -Incline Merkins -LBAC’s (backwards) -Shoulder Pretzels -Lunges
Triple Delight
It was a cool 67 this morning, but the temps would quickly rise. PAX:27 Disclaimer COT Appetizers: TTT (20) IC Flutter Kicks (20) IC Merkins (10) IC Shoulder Pretzels (30) IC LBAC (15) IC each direction( well at least for some) Entrée: Get into a group of 3. Partner 1 &