4-21-18 Nice weather DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP TTT (IC) X 10 LBACs (IC) X 10, reverse X 10 Motivator from 7 THE THANG Mosey to the stop sign. Station 1: Hand release Merkin X 10 Plank Jacks X 10 Carolina Dry Docks X 10 Frankensteins X 10 Burpees X 10 run to the
Category: Johnson City
Lt Jack Dan Webb
4-19-18 DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP TTT (IC) X 10 LBACs X 20, reverse X 20, chinooks X 10, Ray Lewis X 10 (all IC) Mosey to the wall – Chicken Peckers (IC) X 10 Slaughter Starter THE THANG Mosey to the pull-up bars – 2 sets X 10 Jack Webb (Merkin/Air
The Rain didn’t wait until 6:15
Today’s PAX Ruckers: Sleepy, Jobs, Donatello; Runners: Kardashian, Balk, Chum, Honeysuckle, Ponzi, Precious, and Rite-Aid. No DISCLAIMER, but its ALWAYS in the small print PRAYER The warm up Side straddle hop IC 20 Through the tunnel IC 10 Willie may Hayes IC 10 The Thang Main theme of today is
Let’s all meet Greta!
19 Pax came out for a fun BDQ. Gloomy warm morning but the rain held off. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Motivator-8 Willie Mays Hays- 10 count each side TTT-IC-10 LBAC both ways IC-15 THE THANG Grab your coupon and lets mosey. We went around the track to the front of the
Get Back Up Again
17 PAX and 55° for a “get back up again” themed Q that introduces a new exercise, in honor of our Na’ntan, called the “All Day Merkin.” DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Merkins 10 IC Through The Tunnel 10 IC Side Straddle Hops 50 IC Stair Lap THE THANG The theme for
Trail of Burpees
13 PAX met for on a chilly but clear 32 degree morning to get just a little bit better than the day before. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP SSH’s IC x 20, Imperial Walkers IC x 10, Hillbilly Walkers IC x 10, StairLap at brisk pace, TTT IC x 10, Windmill IC
The house always wins
13 pax braved the unseasonably cool 34° morning for a game of blackjack DISCLAIMER PRAYER (in honor of our nantan we went counter to convention) COP kinetic warmup. mosey to turn 1: SSHx15 IC, Willy May’s hays x10 IC MOSEY TO TURN 2: imperial walker x15 IC, windmill x10 IC
The B-day Q – They all add up to 52
Ten PAX (one FNG) got out of the sack for a perfect 60 degree morning for a perfect B-Day Q. Since 52 is the number, it all will add up to that today. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP The Warm Up • SSH (IC) X26 • Willie Mays Hays (IC) X13 seconds
A nice day for a kilo 5k
12 pax showed up in the not-gloomy-at-all Gloom ready to move. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Warmup- SSH X10 IC DQ X10 IC IW X10 IC HW X10 IC LBAC X11 <> IC THE THANG Mosey to amphitheatre.. At amphitheatre 10 reps each of Dips Inclines Jump squats Freddy Mercury Burpees Run
Does running count as a cute or complicated VQ?
22 PAX including a FNG came out on a cool day, mid-40s. Thanks to the few Ironhorse regulars that ventured over to the track this morning. Several PAX in the business of logistics felt the need to come early and carry giant logs and gas cans from one part of