7 doods did some work on the olde towne roade. DISCLAIMER COP SSH, planks and side planks, sticky butt kickers THE THANG Like most of you, my inspiration came from daydreaming about the times of the old Methodist circuit riders – itinerant preachers who rode from small town parish to
Category: Johnson City
New PAX need to know about BOPOs too
Disclaimer COP – Sugar 8 PAX arrived on a muggy 66 degree morning. Several new PAX posting at Ironhorse needed an introduction to BOPOs. Who am I to keep them in the dark? Warm Up TTT IC x 10 WMHs IC x 10 LBAC forward IC x 10 LBAC reverse IC
A tribute to the Red Solo cup
Near perfect weather greeted 8 men on Saturday morningDISCLAIMERPRAYERCOPMotivator from 5 and taking out some aggression on sandbag. THE THANGQ acquired a lawn sized version of beer pong cups and intends to use them. ( Q is willing to lend these out if others wish to try it.) Ten cups
Bears at Underground
6 Pax showed to show out! It was 65 degrees and rising. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Warriors’ Pose – 10 count each leg WHMH – 10 count: left, right, and middle Arm Stretches Left over Right and Right over left across the chest and over the head between the shoulders. THE
This is a backblast
This is the backblast from activities done at Arrowhead this 13th day of August in the year of our Lord 2022. These are written to document who was here and what we did and are ideally completed within 24hrs by the Q. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Ssh imperial walkers inchworm ttt
Got 99 Problems…but a brick ain’t one!
YHC decided that this morning’s beatdown would occur under the picnic pavilion of pain despite the weather. That way, we could share in each other’s pained expressions and constant talking crap (from multiple orifices, lol). DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP LBAC (frontwards and backerds) Shoulder Pretzels Sticky Butt Kickers Abe Vigoda TTT
We didn’t celebrate anything
It was humid and threatening a thunderstorm but, 6 PAX rose above the desire to stay warm and snuggly in their beds. DISCLAIMERPRAYER – that we don’t get hit with lightening.COPMotivator from 5 and then off to a covered shelter.THE THANGQ decided that putting half of the group in a stress pose
Counting by 5s
4 Pax made it out in 67-degree temps and clear skies. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Mainly stretching – Warriors’ pose, inchworm, WMH, hip rotations THE THANG Mosey to the tiered parking lot 5 merkins at speed bump 1, 5 merkins and 10 squats at speed bump 2, 5 merkins, 10 squats,
Launchpad’s end of summer blast
7 PAX rolled out for a muggy morning beatdown. DISCLAIMERPRAYERCOPMotivator from 10 that is allTHE THANG6 exercises. 2 minutes of work per exercise 30 sec of side straddle hops. 30 sec recovery 2 Rounds Big boy sit ups (30 sec SSH 30 sec recovery) Burpees(30 sec SSH 30 sec recovery) Flutter
1990 Hits (with links to the songs!)
8 Amazing Pax (including 1 FNG- welcome @Counter Weight) came out to sweat to the best music heard all week. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP As we listened to There She Goes (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=68MKLkNSMN4&list=PLA2hM5AEHfjNedSxZznuZ7u9TnBByezgH&index=1) we did Imperial Walkers, Hillbilly Walkers, WMH, and TTT THE THANG We grabbed a partner on all but one